Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: What Not to Wear

This week's assignment: We all have those pictures from the past that we wished we didn't. The ones that make us think "what were we thinking when we got dressed that morning"? Trends are fun at the time, but can later come back to haunt us. Pick an item from your wardrobe that you think in five years will fall into that category (or already does). When I read the topic I started going through my closet in my mind and the first thing I thought of are some great knee length shorts that I bought ages ago from Old Navy and American Eagle. I wore the dark pink to Disneyland in 2005. What LDS lady doesn't like to find a great short that is long enough to wear and don't look like they are from your husband's closet? I actually didn't wear them much last summer. I just wore my favorite pair of jeans even in the heat. I wasn't so sure about pulling these out again. As I was wondering if I just should send these into the "once was cool" pile I got my J Crew catalogue in the mail today. I totally started laughing when I spied some cute shorts in their new spring line. They are knee length, the same style and cut and come in ALL three colors. Looks like I can still be hip for one more year.... I am totally loving some of my loose fitting shirts right now. I got this one from the Gap last month. I love to wear them with dark skinny/bootcut jeans and boots. They might look hip now, but I think in a few years I'll wonder why I thought I looked good in something that could pass for a maternity shirt....I also have a few different jackets I really love right now. This navy velvet Gap one has a bit of a 60's inspired look to me. I think it's great to toss over a white 3/4 length sleeve Shade and jeans. I might think it was a bit mod in the future.I also love this crazy jacket I bought just before Christmas. It is fun and different and might not last more than a year before it looks dated, but who cares. That is what fashion should be, showing bits of ourselves in a fun, happy way. (After I typed that I am now wondering why I wear black 1/2 the time?!)

And just for fun: MORE FASHION FOLLIES My girls seem to stuggle with the "What to Wear" bit right now. They can't seem to decide on one thing. Layer after layer they pile it on and sometimes they are content for a few minutes. But not usually...Kaitlyn modeled this interesting look just yesterday. I don't think I could pull off this sideways headband look as well as she does....And my ultimate budding fashionista in this house is Matt. My what he can come up with. When he gets home from school, he has to create his get up for playing war outside with his friends. He loves his Hawaii shirt over a t-shirt and adds a baseball hat, workout gloves and swim gloggles for flair. This was his outfit on Saturday. He was truly ready for some rough and tumble play with all his body amour (knee pads and soccer shin guards on his arms) and a sword around his waist. He is one inventive child.

One last thought. As I flip through my fashion magazines I am often left wondering who on earth could really pull of what they are showing? Or even want to for that matter. The fun about fashion is finding YOU in it all. I love it when my mom or a friend says they saw something and thought of me because it was something I would wear. That is what it's about. Being yourself!!!!


kara jayne said...

Great job. I'm so boring that I'm not quite sure what to post about. Your Matt sounds like a lot of fun!

Vicki said...

I have been going through my closet this week to see what "short/capri" type of clothing I need to buy for this summer (you have to buy it now, or they'll be gone when it actually get's warm). It's amazing how some of the clothing items that I've bought even just two or three years ago, I just HAD to have and was soooooooo excited to wear them, and now they are in my discard pile.

Your shorts are darling, and I would be proud to wear them for at least one more season. I love the black gap jacket too.

How do you get the topic for each Tuesdays? It would be fun to do.

Cheryl said...


You can click on the Tuesday Tell All link on my side bar or go directly to the blog at http://tuesdaytellall.blogspot.com.

Leave Marcie a comment and she'll add you to the sidebar list. Make sure you give her your blog address and name.

Just check the blog on Friday. The new topic should be posted by noon.

Have fun!

Jen said...

I love Matt and Kaitlyn's creativity. Their mother taught them well. I love the shorts. That's all I have and I am hoping to make them work at least one more summer. It's funny, I was just going through all of my clothes too. I am so out of style. I need a serious make-over. I have so many different sizes in my closet too. It did feel good however to finally put all of my "fat after baby clothes away" Cute post! I wish I could just come and hug you and your kids, oh and feel Rich's muscles again. he-he teasing!

Laura F said...

Great post! I was totally at a loss here, because to be honest I'm afraid most things I have are too generic to be "out of fashion" or "in fashion", except for the pieces I hold on to because I love them, no matter what the fashion. I think you get to a point eventually where "fashion" is a state of mind about how you feel in your clothes, and everyone's is individual. I don't know, maybe I'm making excuses. :-) But I love your comment about showing bits of yourself in fun ways with what you wear. Amen!

Marcie said...

I love your picks. Someday.....we need to go shopping together. I love every one of your pieces....we could do some seriously fun damage together.

I am SO glad that someone else has boys who's main goal in life is "how to win the battles". Hayden stormed in mad from a neighborhood friends yesterday. I went upstairs a few minutes later to find him angrily shoving a variety of weapons in a bag to take back. Great.

Alice is currently wearing her Target dollar spot bunny headband sieways on her head on a daily basis. She calls them her "glasses". When they are sideways they actually are kindoff like glasses. Funny.

Again, our kids would have such a great time playing together.:(

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

Okay, I have those same pink shorts... are they the Old Navy ones with the plaid lining? I hope they don't go out of style, I love the long shorts in the summer and have been buying them up while they are popluar..
I also have that same white shirt from the Gap. I have a bunch of those "peplum" type shirts, and wonder if I am going to look back and wonder why I wanted to look like I was wearing a maternity shirt... but oh- for now I love them!
Did the boys lay out thier clothes? Sydney has started doing that every night before she goes to bed.. she lays out her clothes like that, bows, socks, shoes and all..

Cheryl said...


Yes the light pink shorts are the ones from Old Navy ages ago. Julie M had a pair too. Actually I think the entire Crestwood 1st ward had a bunch. Good times.

And no, Matt didn't lay his clothes out. I did that to show his fashionable side, but the minute he got home from school he spied the pile and put them all on. What a nut.

I actually lay out the boys piles every night because it makes the early morning go by so much smoother. But I LOVE how Sydney does that herself. So fun to get out even the accessories. She kills me!

Marcie said...

Just saw your note on Sally's about the videos. They are only 6.99 at Costco, much less than anywhere else. Alice actually repeats all the sounds in the backseat along with the videos. The kids just love them.

Joe and Amy said...

I would definitely wear the shorts this year.

And you are the type that could pull any of those styles off that are found in a fashion magazine.

I seriously love to learn from people who are clued into this type of stuff. My sister in laws are always trying to get me to break my mold. I need to hang out with them more often. :)