Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Random Thoughts...

I think Lexington might float away. We have had 2 days of rain, with today's being "intense" at times. I actually delayed my trip to Sam's Club for 3 hours because I knew my cartful of items plus the girls in tow wouldn't stand a chance in the downpour. At school pick up this afternoon I noticed the river by the school is swollen beyond its banks and we have standing water by the side of the house, something this girl from the desert state of Utah rarely saw growing up. The thing that surprised me the most is when Josh asked if they were going to cancel school for rain. That would be a NO Josh. See, we're whimps out here!

I put the girls down for their nap a half an hour ago so I could put away groceries, start homework and clean up my house that looks like it exploded. That is what I SHOULD be doing. Instead here I sit typing, while I can hear the girls up singing and yelling behind a closed door. Not quite the rest I was hoping for. Am I going up to get them, even when they call, "Mom, Mommy!" ? Nope, gotta get something done around here! I'll give them 30 more minutes and then take them out. I don't think that makes me a mean mom. I'm just trying to remain a SANE one.

Ran into various stores today in search of some fun goodies and toys for the kids' Easter baskets. Felt good to find the MUST have items (Webkinz: buy 1 get one 1/2 off, videos $8.88 at Sam's and a used $9.99 PS2 game for Trey- Love great deals!) The bunny around here hides the basket that has been attached to yarn (Rich's mom's tradition) and the kids have to follow their line that criss crosses the house and even goes outside a bit. It's fun, but after 20 minutes of following the trail, they deserve to find more than just some plastic eggs. Plus, after I read about everyone's fun St Patrick's Day traditions and feasts, it seem like I need to make it up to my kids. Rich was on call and I didn't put on green until 2 PM. Party pooper, I know.

The boys school is having another Blue and White day tomorrow to support UK men's basketball team in their first tournament game. They start brainwashing them early around here. I think I'll just pull out my new Stanford shirt and go to lunch with the boys. They probably won't appreciate it since UK would play Stanford if they both win their first game. I don't think UK stands a chance of winning in round one. We'll just wait and see....

Last night as I got into bed, I thought about what my skinny, mini Matt had eaten the last few days. Thankfully Rich grabbed nuggets from Burger King for dinner after baseball, but before that I know he only ate 1/2 a peanut butter sandwich and an 80 calorie Sunny-D for lunch (I was sitting next to him) and swallowed a few bites of a too crunchy for his liking Eggo that morning. To make matters worse, the night before I don't think he ate more than a cookie and some chocolate milk for dinner because Rich was on call and the kids seemed to eat in shifts. I didn't notice until later that he kind of got skipped on the food department. Oops. The kid simply doesn't eat. Why the heck not? Food is our friend fella! No wonder he's skin and bones. But I have figured out how he survives. We go through a huge 2 quart jug of Mrs. Butterworth's syrup every other week. Sad, but true. The boy loves sugar. I guess that is why is he EXTRA sweet inside and out.

I watched my weekly dose of youtube American Idol this morning and checked out Brooke and David A. in ten minutes flat. Too cool. I have to say I LOVE the Beatles. I listened to tapes of them cranked up loud in my little red convertible Geo Tracker in high school. I have all of their songs now on CD. I think they're fantastic. Side note: I also LOVE the Mamas and the Papas too. They were probably #1 on my high school playlist (of course that was BEFORE playlists were invented) followed by Sting, who I adore. Anyway, back to AI. Love Brooke, LOVE Hear Comes the Sun, but wasn't too thrilled with her performance. She knew it too. Thought David did a great job with a Long and Winding Road. He's great.

I HATE Crest kids toothpaste. Sure it keeps their teeth nice a shiny, their breath fresh and hopefully guards them against dreaded cavities, but if I have to wipe dry, crusted blue smear off the cabinets, floor, carpet, walls, bedspreads and today off Brynn's face and hair (nice) one more time I think I may toss the stuff and make them use the spicy white flavor they detest. Maybe...

I had to give a huge shout out to all our fun mail we have gotten recently. The girls are starting to expect presents delivered to our door everyday, but I guess that starts to happen when you have a birthday in less than a week. Thanks to all for the cute cards, holiday packages and thank you notes people sent (my birthday ones are still sitting on my counter- BAD!). Thanks to our parents for the new jackets, Easter goodies, Sunday clothes and our new Stanford gear. So fun to have Rich's parents spend time in SF last week and send some Palo Alto souvenirs our way just in time for the tournament. THANK YOU!

One last thing. What has gotten into news stations these days? I was shocked when I turned on the Today show this morning saw some poor reporter in Missouri (I don't even think he was a meteorologist) not on the banks of a treacherous river, but standing IN the water. Really? Why? It's not like I want to see him swept away by the furious undercurrent as he explains that the river is a bit high. Ah, we know.

Have a great day!!!


Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

We are drowning here too. They acutally had school closings on the "crawler" on the news today, then it snowed.. I just kept thinking "you've got to be kidding me."
Kari has always been a terrible eater too even as a baby.. I don't understand it. Latley she is on a no fast food kick.. not very pracital for us. Most days she eats a handful of cold cereal for breakfast (no milk) nutella sandwich with chips for lunch and just picks at whatever I make for dinner. We have had more fights about food than antyhing, I'm at a loss.
So best of luck to you- I'm sure he will be fine, somehow Kari managed to grow 3" in 6 months.
I saw that story about the river on the news too today and thought "what are you thinking?!?" I don't know what is up with them. With all the govenor "Drama" they have all this "why do men cheat on their wives with prostitutes" articles on in the morning, usually when Kari is getting ready for school, I had to turn the chanel on day. It was awful..who wants to explain to your kid what a prostitute is.
geez... another "long" post sorry--- stop by the next time you are in town, Syd was looking at your blog with me today and said "who are those boys, I can't remember".. at one time she told me daily she was going to marry Josh.. oh how we forget...

Kristi said...

YOU drove a convertible Geo Tracker! I would always laugh at those people :). I always joke that I could chuck that car across the parking lot...

You are not a bad mom for letting your kids cry. Anna would fall asleep chanting "I don't want to take a nap!". Sanity is important?

I think you should send Matt to my house for a few days of healthy eating boot camp. Don't you think he would grow to love edamame, zucchini brownies and tofu? You should just pass it by him just in case....

I am loving the sun today. FINALLY!!

Cheryl said...


Can't believe you guys got snow. What the heck?

Happy to hear kids can still grow when they eat next to nothing.

Laughing at the Sydney bit. I had forgotten. One can still hope about future hook ups at college some day...

And keep the long comments comin'. They make my day!


Yes, I drove a car that weighed barely a hundred pounds, was like a matchbox car and would have reacted as such in an accident, but man I could parallel park that thing ANYWHERE! Loved it!

Matt and tofu. Sure...

And I agree. Sun=happiness!

Vicki said...

The rain is killing us all!!! It put me in the WORST mood yesterday. Today there is sunshine, but I can't even be too happy about that because I know it will only last today--tomorrow's forecast--more RAIN!!!

Molly upstairs singing in her crib as I write. I leave her there until 3:00 p.m. when Meg comes home to "save her". She has more toys in her crib than out so I know she's not bored. Leave the twins in for sure.

Like you and Melissa, I love the Beatles as well. I only did after I married Rusty however. I liked hard rock and REM, Thompson Twins and the like in High School.

Thanks for you entertaining posts.

Holly said...

The sun is out. All is well with the world again. Sam's was HORRIBLY crowded today--you had the better idea of going in the rain.

I think all mom's deserve at least 1/2 of peace a day--and the kids need that 1/2 hour of loneliness to appreciate their moms!!!