Monday, July 12, 2010

My little fish

It was finally Brynn and Kaitlyn's turn to become independent swimmers.  They started lessons this past week, and I have to say they are quite amazing!  When the boys took lessons at this age at the Oldham County Aquatic Center, the instructor said they failed the course and would need to repeat.  Well, no wonder when there were eight kids in the class and they spent 85% of the time sitting on the side of the pool.  We lucked out that our neighborhood had a pool and swim team and turned them into great swimmers.

The girls were excited and ready when I told them they were going to start lessons.  We are at the pool everyday, but when we are in the big pool they always wear their life jackets.  But as they have been in the water the past six weeks, I have noticed that they were getting better and ready to start swimming on their own.  Brynn will put on her goggles and dive down in the baby pool so she can explore the drains.  Kaitlyn enjoys jumping in and isn't afraid to get her face in the water either.

We found a wonderful teacher.  She is from Salt Lake, swam in high school for Alta and her husband is a second year dental student.  She is in the Bluegrass Ward and two other girls in our ward take lessons from her.  We just go to her apartment pool and have the lessons there.  Lindsay is so great with the girls and has so many fun ways to explain what they are doing (Superman glides, pancake hands, ice cream scoop arms, floating like you are lying on a bed vs sitting in a chair, arm motions like chicken, airplane, solider, big Santa tummy and many others.  I keep telling the boys to listen and watch so if they ever want to teach swimming lessons they can copy her!)  The girls love her and coming to lessons. 

We have been twice and the plan is to have about ten lessons, with the hope at the end they can at least get around the water if they fell in.  They are well on their way.  I am just so glad they are enjoying it, have no fear of the water and are excited to learn.

fountain kicks
airplane arms

ice cream scoop hands and arms



Kristi said...

Soooo cute! Yea girls! I wish I could send my girls to that cute teacher as well. BTW - SUPER cute swim suits!

Marcie said...

What darling little fish.

Still have not found time this summer to sign up for swimming lessons.

Looks like August will be our month.....unless of course we are moving. Sure do wish this family would let us know if we are or not. I feel like I am on hold not knowing what to plan on for the next month.

Thinking of your crazy predicament.....and how you are doing it on your own!

Ashlee said...

Ok, I'm sold. I need all her info! Because, Mac learned how to blow bubbles in the pool and that's about it.