Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fourth of July Festivities

July 3rd 
Downtown Lexington  "Red, White and Boom"

Red, White and Boom is organized by Clear Channel Radio - Lexington and is a free event downtown.  They had a free concert featuring various artists (Josh Gracin from American Idol).  There was a parade in the day and a firework show that night. 

It turned out to be a very HOT day, so instead of spending all day in the city, we spent a lazy afternoon at the pool and feasted on Qdoba (buy one, get one free email lured us in) for dinner and then headed to Rupp Arena just before the fireworks.  

The place was packed and we knew heading in we didn't really want to leave the car.  After driving around a bit trying to figure out where to view the fireworks, we just happened to pull onto a jam packed road facing Rupp just as the show began at 10 PM.  For the next twenty minutes we watched from the comfort of the car and the boys stuck their head outs the window and the girls even peeked out of the sunroof while stopped at a forever long red light. 

Once we had a our fill, we simply turned down a street headed towards home, made a 49 cent McDonald's ice cream drive thru run and watched the rest of the show from the highest point in Lexington, that just happens to be just around the corner from our house. 

The party didn't stop there.  We had fun at home after the fireworks downtown and blasted half of our Sam's Club fountain fireworks in our backyard.

July 4th
Neighborhood fireworks on Sunday night.  Rich was driving to Cincinnati as we had our last hurrah of the holiday.

Both girls managed to burn a finger on a sparkler.  They both toted around baggies of ice all night with their blistered finger inside.
Gotta love the neighbor's illegal firework assortment purchased in Indiana or Tennessee.  The mortars were the size of a soda can.  They were huge!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

We totally missed out on all the street fireworks this year......which are, I think, even more fun for the kids.

Good thing we get two chances around here with the 24th.