Friday, July 31, 2009

Just us girls


any group of three persons or things

Yesterday morning, while the world was still bathed in darkness and most folks were nestled snug in their cozy beds, the girls and I bid farewell to our brood of boys at the Lexington Bluegrass Airport.

With backpacks, suitcases and Nintendo DS in hand, off they were for a weekend adventure out West- dinners, tuxedos and dancing, accompanied by movies, swimming, games, Cafe Rio, a visit to Chuck (e-Cheese), a water park and the dentist. What a whirlwind of activity pressed into four short days.

The highlight of the trek home was to be Rich's youngest sibling's wedding, but upon arrival Matt was not pleased to discover his precious few hours in Utah were to be filled with wedding events. Not to worry, he soon found ample time for all he had yearned to do.

I, on the other hand, waved goodbye from our darkened van as my four fellas disappeared beyond airport security. It was then that I peered into my rear view mirror and spied my two bright blue eyed buddies with bed head hair waving and blowing kisses. My own partners in crime were still here with me. It is never as hard to say goodbye when you have your own two sweeties to help pass the time. It was to be our time of adventure as well.

Our days would not be bogged down with pity or despair because we were the ones left home. No sir. We too had an agenda brimming with fun. Lazy mornings and tickles and kisses in bed, a visit to a local farm for picking dark, luscious, juicy blackberries we later turned into most delicious jam. The girls were the best little hunters and gatherers I'd ever seen. A stop to "The Chicken Place with the slide" aka: Chick-fil-A and a movie marathon that consisted of Barbie and the Diamond Castle (twice). Thank heavens the upstairs bedrooms needed a good once over cleaning while the movie played.

Today we were off to the pool and then to "the big slide" aka: McDonald's play land. There were forts constructed in the living room and kitchen, popsicle wrappers on the floor and hair bows across the table. We played a fierce game of Mr. Mouth and cooked Raman Noodles like pros. Stories were read and puzzles were put together in seconds flat. We gobbled up Culver's Frozen Custard and took our time down nearly every aisle Target had to offer. I can't wait to see the baby boy dressed to the nines in the tiny and soft outfits we found for him there.

Tomorrow is still uncharted territory, but I do know a take out call to Chili's will be made for a post wedding feast for the trio of chicks here on Fitzroy Lane. Cooking certainly is NOT on my to do list this weekend.

Sunday will bring church and then a happy reunion for our little family when the guys return to the Bluegrass.

A wild weekend for us trio of girls.

And yet, the word trio is only partially true. Yes, that was the word that came mind when I thought about writing this post, but it really isn't the case. For my soon-to-be bundle of blue is the reason the girls and I didn't board that early morning airplane two days ago. And while the girls and I play here and there, he is ever present, reminding me that he too is enjoying this time with us. Elbows and feet poke and prod and misshape my belly at all hours of the day. His daily hiccups and wiggles make it hard to feel like its just the girls and me, because soon enough he'll be here ready to join in the fun. And I seriously can't wait. I can't wait to touch his silky soft hair (the last ultrasound promised me this), smell his delicious baby scent and gently rub every little finger and toe. He is worth every missed wedding moment and memory.

So, to my handsome sons dancing the night away up on the tennis court as my parents happily snap photos and text them my way, to my dashing husband posing for pictures with our BFF's Todd and Kristi and to Taylor and Emily the newest couple in the Jackson clan, know you are all loved missed. And yes, I did shed a slight tear when I saw how splendid you all looked in your light blue vests and black lapels. I do wish the girls and I were there to share in this lovely moment, but little baby nudges and lets me know he appreciates me staying safely home, patiently waiting for his special day, that truly isn't too far off....

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Cheryl, you are amazing! We missed you tonight but can't wait to meet baby boy. Jacob is in heaven having your boys here to play with. We always talk about how fun it will be to have you move back...we are counting down!