Monday, July 20, 2009

Fun, Fun, Fun

Man, I LOVE it when our families come into town. Before they arrive I spend ample amount of time planning what to do and then eagerly count down the days until they are here with us.

I honestly do not think we could have fit one more single activity into our jammed packed few days together. Even in between the major events we kept on going and going. When we tried to squeeze in one round of Laser Tag and found out it was temporarily closed, we quickly added in a trip to a frozen custard shop to fill that small vacant window.

And really, what's not to love when your schedule is chalk full of FUN things with parents and siblings!

We hit:Chuck-E-Cheese
When my family comes to town or we headed home to Utah, it's not complete without a stop here.Lunch at Qdoba. My dad said it was better than Cafe Rio. Too bad I can't quite agree.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. THANK YOU to my dad and brother Jeff for watching the girls so I could see go to the flick.Bowling
So I'll admit, we might be the loudest, most obnoxious bowlers around, but man we have FUN! When someone gets a strike or spare you have to do this arm bump to celebrate. One of my brothers came up with this. We all have crazy names: J-Dawg, Striker, J-bone, Darth Maul, Ster, G-dad, Action Jackson (last time I bowled I was Big Momma). I know we probably annoy those around us, but I like to think that they are just jealous that their group just isn't having as much fun as we are! Culver's Frozen Custard
Playing at the house building forts and flying.Swimming (The boys even played some tennis and Rich and his dad got in some golf!)Celebrating Josh and Matt's baptism at Chili's.
What a wonderful few days! (Can you believe we fit all that in from Wednesday evening- Saturday?!)


Heather Woolley said...

Such great pictures! Wow, you were busy! It looks like so much fun! Your girls are getting so grown up. I loved the pictures of them bowling. They are so cute. Congratulations to Josh and Matt on their baptisms! Miss you guys! I'll be excited to see Rich and the boys soon, but I'll miss seeing the Jackson girls! (and baby boy too!).

Marcie said...

I didn't know Rich and the boys were coming out...before or after the baby comes?

I was glad to hear that someone else (besides myself) thinks that Qdoba is better than Cafe Rio. I guess the pasture is always greener......

Stephanie said...

How much fun! I love it when family comes to visit. Congrats to your boys on their baptisms!