Friday, December 19, 2008

Wacky Weather

While my brothers and their wives in Wisconsin faced this today:(photo taken in Madison, WI this morning and posted on

Our parents brace for a blizzard in Utah tonight.

And we got the pleasure of spending the day like this:High of 67 degrees and sunshine. Our snow day this week is a far distant memory when suddently you can toss off the hat and coats and roll down your windows to cool down while running errands. December 19 and we walked to get the boys from school sans jackets. Crazy!

Wonder if the rest of my family would rather be in Kentucky right now. I bet the answer would be a resounding YES!

This makes me think two things 1) The seasons are indeed in commotion and 2) I live stinkin' far away from family when our weather patterns can differ so greatly. Thank heavens for Christmas that will bring nearly all of us together.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Yeah, 67 sounds pretty darn good.

When are you leaving for Utah.....I would think it would have to be soon.

Every time I check luggage I think of you traveling home for Christmas with all of the kids, gifts and luggage. It really is an incredible feat.