Friday, December 19, 2008


Yes, I have been missing from the blogging world for a bit. And while I have uploaded photos for six posts, I haven't let myself take the time to arrange and think and write.

I have been a woman on a mission. A goal that was fast approaching was causing me to have a near panic attack and I had to deal with it. Now. I had put it off for far too long.

Every year at tithing settlement our bishop (president of a very huge company and very business minded) makes us set goals. He writes them down and then pulls them out 12 months later to see how you fared. You make family goals, couples goals and individual goals. Once I uttered my own person goal, it immediately ingrained into my brain, never letting me forget, nor allowing me to simply not get it done. How could I sit and tell the bishop one year later, with my children surrounding me that I had failed at a task I had selected and knew was important? That could not happen.

So this past week I have have been giving my all to achieve this goal- to read the entire Book of Mormon in 2008. Yes, for some this would have been an easy task and to be totally honest, I could have made this SO easy on myself and kept with the Hinckley Challenge or read a set amount every day and get it done early. But I didn't. And didn't. And didn't. And I didn't like how I was feeling. How can I read fiction and watch shows and chat on the phone and exercise and not stop and read the scriptures? I knew I needed change. I knew it was almost too late. So I read and read and read some more. The TV was turned off. Videos were put aside and blogging had to wait. Five days and 194 pages later- it is done. And what a fool I was to not do it sooner.

This past week, I have been touched as I read the stories of Alma, Helaman, Captain Moroni, Nephi and Lehi, the 3 Nephites, Mormon, Moroni, the brother of Jared and especially that of Jesus Christ. What beautiful words that can heal and change lives. That give hope and peace, joy and light. It is truth and knowledge and I was blessed as I read.

What a perfect time of year to slow down, put away the Christmas lists and chores and read. Read about Samuel the Lamanite as he fortold of Jesus Christ's birth. To read the words of our Savior as he visited the people in America. How my heart burned. To hear Him and know of His goodness and love- this is why we celebrate Christmas. This is the good news of the Gospel. He lives, He loves us and He is there for us every step of the way. I think reading the Book of Mormon was the best Christmas gift to myself. I think instead of putting it off like I did, I'll start a new tradition this year and make time from now on for the scriptures during the holiday season and every day after.


Marcie said...

I've been thinking a lot about this, this week as well. Your post was the inspiration I needed to be better about reading my scriptures as well.

Jen said...

You are awesome Cheryl!! Great Job!! The thing I love about the BOM is that every time I read it, I learn something new or catch something that I didn't before or something makes more sense and I "get" it.

I proud of ya!! Merry Christmas!