Friday, November 21, 2008

VPE Family Night

It was a night of "B's": Baskets, Books, Boxed dinners and Basketball experiments. Thursday night was the Fall Family Dinner at Veterans Park Elementary. (It was a CRAZY busy day- Thanksgiving feast, family dinner, basketball practice for Trey and a baby shower for the girls!!)
Each class selected a theme and asked students to donate items for a gift basket that was raffled off to make money for the PTA. Josh, Matt and Mrs. Corales Trey's class basketNext we headed toward the library. On the walls are the sheets showing the students and their pets. Kaitlyn scanned the wall for her brothers' pictures. She found all three.The book fair was in the library. Josh wanted this, Matt wanted that, but the line was the entire lenght of the room, so I convinced them to get these items via at a later date. They agreed.The gym was transformed into a science fair maze. Trey's project looked great. And we ended the night with boxed dinners in the cafeteria, our second meal there that day.
Josh and Alec
Kaitlyn, Matt and BrynnSammy and Trey

No we didn't win a basket, buy a book or win the science fair, but it was a great night. The only thing missing was Rich who had lecture. Thankfully there's always next year!


Kristi said...

That really does seem like a great school...

Marcie said...

So does more air really make a ball bounce higher?