Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Feast

Thursday the girls and I went to share lunch with the boys during their huge Thanksgiving Feast. No the children did not dress up, sing songs or eat the same food as the pilgrims. We simply had a turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls and pumpkin pie meal that tasted almost as good as homemade. The girls were thrilled about coming. Kaitlyn was dressed and ready and almost looked like she could have fit in as a student.Brynn insisted we bring the her baby turkey. I agreed the bird brought a nice added touch to our table.Trey eats first at 11:20 AM.Kaitlyn packed a lunch all by herself: Oreos, fruit snacks and more fruit snacks. Yummy.Josh and Matt's classes arrive around 11:45 AM.I love the ceiling in the lunchroom. It was my favorite part of the school when we did our first tour two and a half years ago.The principal, Ms. McVey, got a food handlers permit so she could serve lunch to the students.


Kristi said...

Quite the meal! You are such a great mom.

Marcie said...

Gosh that is awfully early for the Thanksgiving feast. Ours are on Wednesday. Do you have all next week off of school?

I see you indulged in the PB turkey. BTW Build a bear has a pretty darn cute one right now for $12. It even gobbles. Davis has been loving it.