Saturday, November 8, 2008

Play Time!

When the boys are away, the girls will PLAY! The past two weeks Brynn, Kaitlyn and I have done just that. The weather has been beyond fantastic (75 degrees at least!) and we just needed to get out for some adventure. Sure we always go eat lunch with the boys at least once a week, but that still leaves four days to find fun things to fill our time while they are at school. And to be honest, you cannot go to Wal-mart every day for our outing (gasp!) and I still miss not having a zoo immensely, but I have branched out and discovered many fun places to visit here in Lexington with my little ladies.Joseph Beth Booksellers Fantastic book store which has story time once a week. Okay, so it ended up being two short stories and a coloring sheet, but the kid section alone could entertain a child for weeks, months even. We read this. Colored that.
And we came along with friends. The girls played with Mac and Savannah on the train table.Tiffany and girls. Ashlee and boys. (Mac not pictured)Did Kaitlyn mention they have a huge selection of Dora toys? Pure heaven. How I manged to get out of there without purchasing one is beyond me. Brynn was in heaven with all the purses for sale. Only $15.00 each. Far exceeding the value of my own ratty knapsack slung across my chest. It was like being in a posh Toys-R-Us with thousands of books. Perfect. FEEDING THE DUCKSBehind the bookstore is a pond with ducks. The girls chanted for money to put in the vending machine and giggled and grinned as they fed the hungry ducks.THE PARKTHE LIBRARYRead DoraPut together puzzles and made a craft (The Isty Bitsy Spider).

We also ran to two different Target stores in search of two perfect sparkly tutus, slid down the slide at McD's, had a play date at my house with friends, began making two (hideous!) Ariel and Dora quilts my girls have been begging for, went to the post office to ship off Postum I sold on eBay (Love it!), watched Dora and the Snow Princess at least five times while folding laundry, went to two parent teacher conferences (Rich went to the third before school), voted, rearranged the Thanksgiving decor at least twice, dejunked every cupboard in the kitchen, made a drop off run to Goodwill, scrubbed floors, a fridge, toilets, tubs and toes and loved sharing it all with my two little girlie girls.

I can't wait to see what we find to fill out time next week. Life is an adventure. Always.


Heather Woolley said...

Oh Cheryl, you make me tired. Just reading all you do in a day makes me so tired. How do you do it all, then have the energy to write it all down with cute pictures and captions on your blog. Amazing. And on another topic, your girls are so cute that it makes ME want twins. After the rowdy day I had with my cute little rascals (and how exhausted I am at the moment), that's saying A LOT!!!! They MUST be pretty cute if I'm thinking that right now!!

Ashlee said...

Love that I could be apart of your fun week! Maybe next week we'll get something done:)

Marcie said...

I agree with Heather. Posts like this make me sometimes wish that Alice had a little partner in crime. It just melts my heart to see the two of them exploring the world together.

Kristi said...

Your girls are so stinking cute. I am LOVING that they will keep their bows in now!

Brittany said...

You are such a good mom! Makes me want to take my little guy to the library!
Love you

Aly said...

When I read posts like this, I so miss living in a big city with thing to do! I'm jealous. Cheryl, you are the cutest mom. Aly

Shawni said...

Wow Cheryl! Now THAT is a lot accomplished. I bet it feels so great. I loved all the Halloween pictures and catching up with what you guys are up to. I loved that you wrote a whole post about Matt. I need to do that more often so I can remember what all these kids are up to at different stages.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi!