Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I think it is a remarkable thing how many places can be considered 'home'. For me, home is more than just a place you have physically lived for a time. It is happy memories made and shared. Caring and giving, living and sharing life with good people. It is where friends become family.

Family is key and yet over the past nearly ten years, we have lived so far away from most of our loved ones. But they are not far from our home. They are in the photographs, the pillowcases (Grandma Larsen), the stars (my dad), the do it yourself projects (my mom), the kitchen table (Rich's parents), the paintings (my parents), golf clubs (Rich's dad), Mary Engelbreit calendars (Rich's mom) our variety of furniture we happily took off our parents hands, the cross stitches (Grandma Nance), the books (Hansens and Jacksons) and in so many other things I see or use daily. But they are mainly found in one place. The most important place of them all, in my heart.

And while we have been away, here and there, in California for a bit and Kentucky for awhile friends have filled in the gaps in our hearts. They have been the ones to plug up the holes and make us complete. Friends. Family. The same.

When I think of our years in Louisville, I don't miss the house or the yard (okay, I might miss our incredible yard) or the shops or the parks, I miss the people. Every time we go back, even for just a few hours, it feels like home again. Sure, I don't live there anymore and drive the streets day after day, but it is part of me. My girls were born there, my boys were raised there and we found friends that will last a lifetime. Can it get any better than that?
We went to Louisville this weekend for our ward's temple trip. I love going to the temple and I do miss seeing it every Sunday and attending often. But we are not far. Lexington is only an hour and twenty minute drive and our Bishop has set up this amazing plan (babysitting at the building across the parking lot and dinner afterwards) so we do get to go often, but going back to such familiar surrounds always brings back years of stored memories. Good times. Good people. And it feels like home once again.

After our session and dinner with the Lexington gang we headed over to the Hamilton's. Yes, friends that are now family. It is always nice to feel to welcome. Plus Josh could get his dog fix and the girls could spend time with Anna and Kate. It is something I will miss when they head west in June.

Home isn't where you currently are. It is where you want to be. It is in your heart and mind. It is family, friends, love and happiness. And that sounds like a perfect place to stay put forever if you ask me.The 'Twins'The Snow Fairy (Brynn)The Bubblegum Fairy (Kaitlyn)Anna and KristiJosh and Jackson. (Great names right!) Boy, does this kid need a dog or what?! Pink, pink and more pink. Girl heaven.KateMattTrey wrestling Todd. Not quite sure who is winning.... Just realized Matt is in the photo too behind Trey's head getting squished too. Victory goes to Todd.



Marcie said...

What a great way to help make it easier to do a temple session. Jim and I usually go separately these days.

Great to see pictures of the Hamiltons. When we were back in KY in May....it still felt like home to us even after five years. I actually get homesick just thinking about it.

Marcie said...

p.s. The girls look absolutely ADORABLE in their pretty skirts and sparkly shoes.

Kristi said...

Thank you for being such a fabulous family. I can say that because of you guys Kentucky feels like our home too.

Sarah said...

This was a neat post. I love that so many places can be so close to our hearts. Love that you said you miss the PEOPLE in Louisville. So many memories and experiences with them!

I already know that we'll miss Milwaukee. Sounds wierd because we're in our first year and there are 3 to go, but I already know I'll miss it!

kara jayne said...

your killin' me withe the sentiment. i now have a little ache in my chest that makes me miss lousiville all over again. i'm so glad you have been able to make "home" out of so many places...it says a lot about you. i'm not surprised!