Friday, May 6, 2011


There are a few things I am LOVIN' right now.  Since Rich is in California for the day and Zach is napping, I going to jot them down. (Even though I probably should be packing and sorting things for the big move, but that can wait....)
The Kentucky Derby: 'The most exciting two minutes in sports!' It really is. There is no where I'd rather be on the 1st Saturday in May than in Louisville, Kentucky.  The most historic and well known thoroughbred horse race is one of my favorite things that happens all year long. You can't beat Kentucky in May and Derby brings out the finest the Bluegrass has to offer.  We've been playing Dan Fogelberg's glorious song Run for the Roses this past week. We've been researching the horses online (poor Uncle Mo....) and getting ready to watch on baited breath to see which horse's legacy will live on forever and proudly wear the Garland of Roses in the winner's circle. We'll be in Louisville tomorrow with dear friends we've had for over a decade. I'm so excited. Post time is 6:24 EST. Go, Baby, Go!!!

iPhone: When Rich upgraded his seriously outdated phone (no camera and old fashioned push button texting) last December, little did I know how much this beauty would change my life.  Rich quickly decided the iPhone would be put to better use if he left it home with me, since he's usually locked away in some dark room in the hospital.  Thus, his precious new phone became mine.  What a lucky girl!  Within days this phone actually changed my life.  I wasn't a believer until I had one for myself.  Yes, my dad proudly showed us his at Christmas and the kids couldn't get enough.  It was a totally different story once I had one in my palm.  I use this for EVERYTHING!   Reading and sending email, checking blogs, reading all the papers, weather updates, directions, phone book, iPod, camera, apps, calendar, notebook, reading my scriptures, singing the hymns, the list could go on and on.  It's the most unbelievable technology I can think of.  A complete computer you can put in your pocket.  Rich took the iPhone to California with him.  He flew out last night to attend a funeral of a dear Stanford friend.  I miss Rich terribly, and I miss the phone too.  Glad they are both back tomorrow...

C.O. Bigelow Mentha Lip Balm Stick: Love this stuff.  It's smooth, minty and not at all sticky.  I have one in my bathroom cabinet, one in my makeup bag and two in my purse.  And I have them stockpiled in my hall closet.  Need it at all times.  Perfect lip balm.

Tropical Spice Slatkin & Co. Single Wallflowers Refill:  I took a risk and ordered this scent online.  It is SO yummy.  It has the right balance of sweet mixed in with some cinnamon. I hate really strong smells and this was is just right.  I put it in the kids bathroom which has terrible ventilation (and 3 boys that DO NOT aim very well) and I love it.  Wonderful summer scent.

Wheat Thins Stix Chipotle Pepper:  Addicted to these.  They had free samples at Kroger and I took one for Zach.  Luckily for me I tasted it too.  The Chipotle Pepper is amazing.  I could eat the entire box.  I know.  I have.

Mentos Chewing Gum:  Give me some sugar free gum and a caffeine free Diet Coke and I'm happy, but this new discovery of gum is divine.  Crunchy shell, perfect minty flavor.  I love.  All the flavors are great, just wishing Sam's Club sold them in bulk. daily emails:  This has made me get out my food rut and actually try new recipes!  Just this week I got an email for Baked Ziti.  I made it for dinner and my family praised my cooking skills.  It's so fun to see what they send out and a lot of times its things my family will actually eat.  I love that the food is rated so I can see if it's good and what other people had to say about it.  Great site.  Great addition to my cookbook.

Skype:  Mother's Day is almost here, which means my missionary brother gets to call home.  This year he is going to Skype the entire family.  Actually he's going to call us separately, and we are SO excited.  We watched Rhett open his mission call via Skype and it was like we were really there.  Skype is incredible.  It is the most futuristic thing I've ever used.  My dad called the girls the other day using it and he laughed as the girls sang and drew letters for him.  It's a MUST for far away family.

Handmade crafts and cards from my girls:  Mother's Day also means so many beautiful and sweet things from my kiddos.  The girls were just too excited to wait for me to open the gifts they made at preschool.  Brynn unwrapped the package in the car for me.  Kaitlyn waited until I took a picture of the wrapping when we got home then opened it.  Their excitement is contagious and I love their sweet drawings, cards and most of all hugs and kisses and hearing 'I love you'.
Cardinals:  I am going to desperately miss these beautiful birds when we move.  I will never forget their sweet melody and the bright flashes of red I searched for every time I looked outside when I could hear their call. I keep my windows in my home open as much as possible so I can hear their sweet tweets.  They can be seen daily in the backyard and this afternoon the girls and I watched a boy and girl Cardinal hop around the grass.  The boy flew closer to the girl and they looked like they touched beaks.  Brynn let out a sigh and said, "Oh Mom, they kissed.  They must be wife and husband."  It was so sincere.  I know my kids will miss them too.



Sally said...

Totally share several of your current addictions...especially the wheat thin stix! Dip them in Garden Veggie Cream yummy. Its my lunch every other day.

Marcie said...

Gotta get me some of those Wheat Thin Stix.

Dying for Derby party pictures!

No pressure:)