Monday, May 9, 2011

And he's off...

Trey was over the moon when he found out all the 5th graders in our school district spend a 3 day, 2 night adventure at Camp Kern!  We ordered his t-shirt, got all the items checked off the LONG list and got him packed up.  Summit and Ayer Elementary school left on Monday and will return on Wednesday afternoon.  The camp is about 45 minutes away and the students stay in cabins and have camp counselors as well as school teachers supervising the large group of kids.

Before Trey left Rich and I had some great discussions about obeying the rules, not giving in to peer pressure and making good choices.  This will be Trey's first time being away from the family for a few days without siblings or grandparents.  It is strange to think my oldest son is nearly twelve, and will soon be going on week long boy scout camps, but these experiences are so important to help him develop, mature and one day be ready to serve a mission. 

I got Trey over to Nagel Middle School by 7:45 am this morning.  He had his duffel bag packed with everything on the list: sleeping bag, water bottle, flashlight, rain poncho, toiletry products and warm and cool clothing that will last 3 days.  He had a big grin on his face and if he was at all nervous, it didn't show.  He was so excited to take a little disposable camera to document his adventure.  He also was eager to do the archery class he signed up for.

We can't wait until Wednesday to hear all about it.


Marcie said...

I would be kind of freaking out, too. I am sureTrey was SO excited. Can't wait to hear how it went.

Hayden has been asking to attend BYU's baseball camp this year (in addition to BYU football camp). It is all day every day for a week and he doesn't know anyone else that is doing it. Even that scares me.

Sign of them growing up, I guess. :(

Marcie said...

Just realized you are going to be here this fall. If you decide to move this way, you should ask if either of your boys wants to do fall baseball. We decided to hold off one more year and not let the boys do football yet....they are so little I'm worried about injuries.

So Jim is coaching a fall baseball team. Hayden is OBSESSSED with baseball (and so is Jim, so they are a dangerous team). Jim still needs a few more players to make a full team. Think about it.

How much fun would it be to see our girls playing with each other on the sidelines..........and our boys playing together on the field.