Sunday, August 9, 2009

Flower Girl

While I did not condone the act of Miss Brynnie secretly picking one of my lovely hydrangea blossoms, nor was I pleased with this fact, she did look quite sweet sitting on the couch admiring its beauty, taking in deep breaths of its fragrance and pretending she was getting married. We'll have to look into getting her some of these pretty mophead flowers for her own wedding down the road. That is if she doesn't change her mind by then...

1 comment:

Laura F said...

Audrey's been doing the same with our lillies, but luckily we're new enough in this house I'm not completely attached to them yet. It did surprise me when she told me they were for her wedding because I hadn't realized she'd even noticed that kind of thing - and to be honest I don't really know where she's seen a wedding bouquet recently enough to remember it. Some things must just be natural.