Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break Recap

Spring break came and went last week and while we spent the entire time here in Lexington, we really did try to LIVE IT UP. If the boys were asked to write about what they did over the break at school today, they certainly have a lot of options to choose from. I think we hit every kid joint in the town, which made for some very happy fellas.

While we were not enjoying the beach in South Carolina with the Hamilton's (sniff, sniff), Rich did have the entire week off and happily went along with what we had planned. It was go, go, go as I had a long list of thing I needed to do that required his help and the boys had their own list of "must do" fun things they were ready to check off. It was a full six days....

MONDAY: Rich completed his neuroradiology fellowship application and decided to take ALL THE KIDS with him to mail it. I thought he was nuts. Even I don't like to take them all to the post office if I don't have to. He had to stop at two different places to find where you could over night mail to a PO Box, but soon he had sent the packet on its way.

Next, he took the kids to try to redeem their Laser Tag passes from school. They didn't find out until AFTER they all unloaded and went up to the second floor that they were full and closing soon. Drat.Instead, he treated them all to Dairy Queen where they had a feast fit for queens and kings. I stayed home and read a book. No question who was the real queen that day!

TUESDAY: Keeneland

The races started on Friday, so we went early so we could watch the trainers and riders work out the horses. They are such beautiful and amazing creatures. I took so many photos, I am going to post them on their own. Rich was so sweet as he pulled over time and time again so I could take pictures of the stables and let me run into the Track Kitchen and buy their breakfast special: eggs, bacon, potatoes, biscuits and gravy and grits. It was southern cooking at its finest (and it will kill you too). I took a photo of the food and then we all tasted a bite of each (one bite was enough...) and agreed to go along with Trey's pleas for an IHOP breakfast. We gobbled up pancakes, waffles and chicken strips. Yum.

After that I thought it would be brilliant to load up at Sam's Club since we were close and I hadn't been there since the beginning of February. Too bad I had left my wallet home (whoops) and didn't realize you can't get a temporary pass without photo ID until we were in the store. I did talk the lady to let us buy diapers and wipes. ($55 later Rich said, "No more diapers. We need to potty train these girls", which we currently are and they are doing pretty well.) But, I was so bummed leaving the store without purchasing everything on our huge list, but Rich was so sweet. He said we could come back later in the week (he's only been to Sam's Club with me maybe twice, so this was such a generous offer) and we ended the day by stocking up at Wal-mart, where I didn't lift a finger or push a cart. Star treatment for sure!

WEDNESDAY: Rich took the boys to see MONSTERS VS ALIENS in 3-D. Can you say AweSoMe?! Later Rich mowed the lawn and then took the boys to cub scouts. He's my hero!

THURSDAY: Off to visit Chuck. Rich HATES Chuck-E-Cheese. My kids think it's up there with Disneyland. I'm a fan too. Rich smiled the whole time and we all had a lot of fun. Good thing, since I'm sure we'll be back SOON! We made round two of Sam's Club on the way home. Good thing we have 2 refrigerators, or we never could have stored all the frozen food we loaded up on! Good eatin' at the Jackson's for a long time!
FRIDAY: Rich and the boys finally got to play Laser Tag at Champs. They had a ball and want to go again as soon as possible. They played in a solo mission with 37 players. The place is awesome and looks like ruins from an ancient city at night. I watched Trey play a few months ago during a birthday party and I was ready to join in the fun right then.They brought home their stat sheets. Trey did the best out of the bunch scoring over 7,000 points and finishing 10th overall. Everyone was so happy except poor Josh. It wasn't quite as fun after he saw he took 36 out of 37 and ended up with negative points. I'm sure he'll get them next time!
We treated ourselves to Graeter's Ice Cream that night (Josh had been begging all week!) and I know that anyone that has been there, knows what a real treat that is. I always laugh when we go there, because we are the only ones hauling five kids in for crazy expensive ice cream. We just know where to splurge- on the good stuff!

We all watched Trey's second soccer game of the year. The field was a bit wet, but the weather was pleasant. Brynn picked me flowers (she takes after her brother Matt)

Trey did a great job, scored a goal and his team won. It was so fun to watch him in action after his broken arm sidelined him last fall.

Saturday night brought back to reality as Rich started another week of night call. We miss him while he away, but man, we had fun while the vacation lasted!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Sounds a lot like our Spring Break.....Hayden has us booked with a full schedule of things he wants to do. We're hitting Monsters and Aliens in a few hours.

So glad Rich was able to be home and help out with the manual day to day rountine.