Sunday, April 19, 2009

Family Fun Night

Friday night we headed to the ball park for the annual Family Fun Night. Every league has team competitions, there is a big BBQ and baseball games are played. The weather was gorgeous and it was fun to see so many former team members, their families and coaches and catch up. We have met so many amazing people through the boys' sporting events. Everyone had their eyes on my burgeoning belly and my new response is "If we are crazy enough to have five kids, then why not have six!" Most couple around here have 2 children, so our large brood is a sight to see. The kids enjoyed hot dogs and hamburgers.

I LOVE baseball and am excited for all the exciting games and memories we will make this season.


Kristi said...

Whatever you have a burgeoning belly. I need to see that sucker for myself. : ) LOVE the girls' skirts. My little ones would really go for doing some twirlies in them...

Jenny said...

I recognize those "dancing clothes", as they are called at our house. Ruby wore her's to Jacob's baseball game last night. Aren't girls fun!!

I'm so excited to see Rich this weekend...yay!! We can't wait for you guys to finally be back here!