Sunday, April 19, 2009


The Wizards
Trey and Matt had soccer games yesterday and team pictures. The day was gorgeous- 82 degrees and sunny. Our winter white skin was soon the color of cooked lobsters: red. But it was so nice to be warm and enjoy being outdoors. Trey played first. GOAL for the Treyman!Celebrate! The Wizards won 2-0.We were all dying of thirst after Trey's game that went from 11 AM- noon, so we left Matt with his coach Tricia Brooks, who is also Trey's coach, for team photos and ran across the street for so much needed beverages from a gas station. Matt's on the Generals again. He played great and is one of the fastest kids on the field. He also is a tough goalie, just like his Uncle Rhett.
The Generals won the game 5-3.


Kristi said...

LOVE it. I still remember being at the park with a little 18 month old Trey kicking away at a soccer ball. Ah, memories.

Tricia said...

Great pics Cheryl! I'm glad to see Wave and Grace made it into some of the pictures! :) I love coaching your boys, they have so much athletic talent! If only I can get Matt to not beat himself up everytime he makes a mistake! :) But I love him!