Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My recent absence....

Spring break here.

I think I'm treading water. These past few days have reminded me of what my life used to be like when I had 3 littles under 2. Back then could just barely I keep my head above water and it lasted for two years. I think I'm being reminded of what it feels like to swim once again. Matt simply doesn't know what the word "pick up" means and the girls, oh man, where to start. If I don't spend a good hour and a half in the morning bathing kids, folding laundry, trimming fingernails, doing dishes, we are sunk. And even then, by the time Rich gets home in the evening all the daily chores have undone themselves happily waiting to be redone for the umpteenth time, which will probably be the next morning if I'm lucky.

It seems like every time I stop moving I find a huge new mess waiting for me. The girls turned 2 and now they seem to be able to make twice the messes. Go figure. (Joke there...) I shouldn't be surprised since it's like this everyday, but it's worse when all the kids are home. I love it, but I love school too. I kind of feel like I'm the mom who loves them more when I get to miss them for a few hours everyday. With that said, I say bring on spring, but I'm not quite ready for full blown summer break here. Seems that all those make up snow days might end up being a good thing?!

When the boys were young, I had to mop the floor when the kids were napping because I didn't want 3 kids soaking wet after one minute of helping. I had the boys mop yesterday, but it was BEFORE they got dressed. I had planned on them helping me clean my bathroom (a slight punishment for not going to bed- but that happens every night) but realized I didn't dare hand over the toilet bowl cleaner to two rambunctious kids. Nope. Smarter than you thought. Still, by evening the floor was a mess with smashed corn and globs of ketchup and you never would have known the work that was done just that morning.

I spent 2 hours today out in the yard. The grass on the back hill was jungle like so I revved up the lawn mower and got busy. Of course so did the girls in the mud pile next to the swing set and the boys practically mud wrestled with the neighbor kids. One partially mowed lawn= one load of muddy laundry and grass in the kitchen and family room.

I guess it's just a give and take type situation. I give 100% and seem to only get 50% results. Not the best payoff, but I've learned it's better to at least try that to simply give up because soon you'll find yourself at the bottom of the pool with an empty tank of air. No fun.

BUT we have hit the mall and Chick-Fil-A, was crazy enough to take the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese alone today, am planning to go to the Newport Aquarium tomorrow, the Lexington Explorium on Thursday and the Louisville Zoo on Friday. Toss in baseball practice and scrimmage games plus cub scouts and you have one very full spring break week. And you know what, I know my kids are having a great time. I know that they are loving being home, even if they have to help watch the girls, empty the dishwasher and hang up their clothes. Why? Because memories of good times don't smudge as fast as my just clean glass door. Those memories stay fresh for a lot longer than my girls' diapers.

I guess that my point is, I will NEVER win when it comes to having a perfectly clean house, the laundry alone is unbeatable. The bathrooms will never stay clean for more than 10 minutes. I will never be the most punctual person even if I make it my New Years Resolution. I will never be on a cooking show and win an award for my stupendous culinary skills, just ask Rich. He might actually ask you if he could have dinner at your house, where people eat more than microwaved burritos and nuggets. Poor guy.

But my kids know I love them. They know that they matter. They know they are my world. They make me happy. And that makes it all seem better. All of it. The exploded downstairs, the newly spilled milk in my just washed sheets, the crumbs in the just vacuumed car. It changes things. It changes me. Sure it doesn't get the toothpaste out of the carpet, but it makes me love them so much, that I don't mind cleaning it up. (Where is that SpotShot anyway...)

Yup. They've won me over, and it's only Tuesday...


Shelly said...

Cheryl, I love this post. I actually got a little misty eyed there at the end because I can relate. Of course you have more of an excuse to struggle with house work. You have five kids, I only have one. You are such a great mom. Your kids are very blessed to have you.

Laura F said...

I try to imagine having five, but my three seriously kick my butt some days. My oldest, at the ripe old age of five, actually told me today he wished he'd never been born (because I'd asked him to clean his room). What do you say to that??? But I agree in that I really love them, and reading your post about the messes actually helps me feel a little better about the ghetto pile of trash accumulating outside our back door and the laundry in the hallway tonight. I'm going to bed. :-)

Jen said...

Another great post Cheryl! Again, one of the qualities I love about you is your outlook on things that drag most people down!(like me)just teasing. Really, all of our homes look like a bomb went off most of the time, and so how reassuring to know that I am not the only one who has cleaned up a mess for the 100ndth time that day. I love Trace Adkins song"your gonna miss this" It is so true. Life is such a funny thing. I remember things I was going through in Louisville and couldn't wait to get past those things and now I MISS those things and would take them back. You are right to put your kids before a perfect house any day. Our kids grow and will be gone before we know it, but our dusty, dirty, unorganized houses will always be there!! You are such an awesome mom. I'm sure your family happily eats frozen nuggets and will continue to eat them just to have you for their mom!!

Sue said...

Now, that Spring Break doesn't sound like much of a break at all. However, it does sound like a lot of fun!

I loved when you said, "Why? Because memories of good times don't smudge as fast as my just clean glass door." You are so right. I always love your perspective and where you always have your priorities.

I swear you don't see a light at the end of the cleaning tunnel until your youngest is a little over 3. Until then, I guess you just embrace the craziness.

Sally said...

I am with Sue...memories will last longer and I am so impressed that you can recognize it amongst all of the craziness! You certainly have your priorities in the right place.

Have a great week!

Sarah said...

What a great post, Cheryl! I know that with multiple kids things can get crazy, but you're so great at keeping a level head. I have such great women in my life who teach me what it's like to have TOO much to do and so little time, but that love life all the while.

Enjoy the fun trips you have planned!

Barney Family said...

So Cheryl I am sure, knowing you, that your house is pretty clean most of the time even with five kids! I can relate with the mopping the floor durring nap time and I only have one at home.

Your spring break seemed a lot like ours-- a party everyday. When my kids were on spring break we had to do something everyday, not for them, but so I could keep my sanity!
