Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Livin' on the Edge

If you could do something dangerous just once with no risk what would you do?

This is a fun topic for me. I am a girl that LOVES a thrill. I have never met a roller coaster I didn't love, went bungee jumping off a very tall crane in a gas station parking lot when I was 16, crawled and slithered through dark caves in high school, dove head first off tall bridges into ponds, have been repelling, jumped out of an airplane at 18 (my mom didn't talk to me for a few days after that one...). I certified scuba my freshman year in college and even hitchhiked with friends a few times in Hawaii (not too proud of that one...). I can't think of too many things (within reason, of course) that I wouldn't try once. Sure, I've mellowed a bit with age and kids, but I still love to get my heart racing.

So, after very little thought I happily declare that if I could do something dangerous just once with no risk I could climb Mt. Everest. Yup. I would. It's crazy, I know. I have read countless book about her. The best being Into Thin Air. Amazing book. I recently followed the Discovery channel show about Everest and years ago watched a powerful IMAX movie that documented the dangers and sufferings of the climbers, but I am still fascinated. Just to stand on the top of the world, not matter how cold or delirious you were would be an accomplishment few in the world would share. In all honesty, I know I never will. I don't think my body was made for strenuous mountain climbing. If I even try to lift weights I always end up with some strange random injury. But if I knew I wouldn't get hurt and would make it to the summit, I would be tempted. Very tempted.

The other thing I would love to see is a tornado. OK, that seem totally strange coming from a girl who has huddled in a closet with her kids while the sirens blasted and the house shook. That was scary. Really scary. But I would love to see one IF I knew it wouldn't hurt my house or other people. Like if I was driving along on some country road and there it was right in front of me. That would be awesome. In some ways I feel like I have seen one. In my years here in Kentucky I have had many vivid, very real dreams that I was surrounded by tornadoes. Some were scarier than others, but I was never hurt by them. Usually I am in a house or some place and I go outside and there they are all around me. It really is a sight to see, even if its not quite real.

I have been able to experience a few poweful forces of nature. I have been in an moderate earthquake (southern California 1994) while at Six Flags. They shut down the park. Not a good day for amusement rides. I have felt category 1 hurricane force winds (Louisville, KY 2004) while at Julie Martinez's baby shower. Yes, I was still inside the garage, but it was very, very cool to see the power of the wind. Oh and it took me an hour to get home with all the damage. No fun there. So I guess a tornado would fit right in with the other things I have loved experiencing.

What would YOU choose?


Jen said...

My theories about you are now solidified! You are crazy! he-he Way to have fun, you crazy hitchhiker!

Marcie said...

You are pretty crazy. We would have made a dangerous pair in college.....if we both didn't get married so young.

Hitchhiking?! I SO could not have done that. You're insane and you better delete this post before the girls learn how to read.

Next time you get a crazy idea.....take me!

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

I also loved Into Thin Air... such a good book. I also watched all of the Everest show on Discovery Channel. A few years ago Jeff and I heard Beck Weathers speak at a convention... he was the doctor on the same trip as the guy that wrote Thin Air that they left for dead, then he got up and walked into camp.. he lost his nose and his hands... it was one of the best speeches ever, I was totally riveted..
If everest was warm and you could "transport" me up there it would be cool to say I did it, but the cold and like you said you'd want to come home the same way you went up...
You are much braver than me!! at least you can say that you did all of those things! I'm usually afraid to do stuff (like rollercoasters or the ballon ride) but afterwards am really glad that I did it..

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

also- Disneyworld is really cool.. and really BIG! Before your family heads back West you should try to take a trip, I'm sure Rich's schedule is really hard to work around but if you get a chance it's definetly worth it.. We are headed to Cinci for the weekend.. have fun at Thunder- I hope you don't freeze.. you should come up for the balloon glow.. I want to go this year, I heard from everyone that it was really fun last year, the kids can go up and talk to the pilots and stuff..