Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Professional Help

From the topic title you might just think I feel compelled to write about the professional help I need to achieve mental sanity and stability, but thankfully I have an exercise bike and blog that keep me happy and moving in the right direction. The actual TTA meaning is this:

For what activity would you want professional lessons?

OK, that is a large topic to cover, and while I do want to hit on a few, I thought I would share things I have got down to a science- no professional lessons needed in these areas.

* Changing diapers. Had YEARS of experience on this one. I am currently in the standing up change age. No laying down around here. They just drop their diaper (which they do all by themselves and happily run around naked until I chase them down) and I swoop in and wrap one around them. Saves time and hopefully messes on the floor.

* Scrubbing bathrooms. With 3 boys, it seems like mine could be scrubbed down everyday. I know the girls learn by example and they must watch me clean one of the bathrooms daily. I'll admit that I've found them more than once quiet in the bathroom while they take turns using the toilet brush on the bowl, floor and tub. Nice.

* Cleaning the glass door. I can't stand smudges on the front glass door since it's the first thing people see when they come to your home. My neighbors must think I'm compulsive (which I probably am), but it makes me happy knowing it looks clean because you never know who might just drop by.

* Driving carpool. OK, so I'm not always the first in line, but I have only been late one time for pick up this year. I think that qualifies me as a good chauffeur. So, if you need a lif, call me. I'll pick you up. Oh, and I do accept tips- like trips to McDonald's for ice cream. Yummy.

* Yard work. Got practice on this one today. When Rich got home from the hospital he didn't even try to take over the lawn mower because he knew I wouldn't release my grip. He just started helping by picking up random toys and moved the play set over so I could cut the long grass underneath. He knows me too well.

* Talking on the phone. The girls have mimicked me on the phone from a young age. At least I'm almost always talking to family. Love a good chat with a loved one.

Now to the real topic.....

* I love to take a sewing and quilting class. I am self taught and if you've seen my work it shows. I made tied quilts a few years ago for our parents and grandparent's Christmas gifts. After I gave one to my Grandma Nance I told her to not look to closely, since she was a home economics teacher and seamstress. Since I brought it up, she kindly started giving me tips on how I could have done the binding a bit better. I just smiled, because even though her way was the right way, it just sounded like it would take so much longer! Maybe if I took a class I could learn some tricks of the trade, which would still allow me to sew quickly, but greatly improve my sewing ability as well. I also would I love to learn how to crochet or knit. My Aunt Gloria taught me how to crochet the edges of burp clothes, but I have never completed anything else. My one and only attempt years ago looked like a very lopsided scarf instead of a blanket. I had put so much time into it, that seeing it look so horrible made me sad. So I tossed it in the garbage and never looked back. Seems like I should try once again.

* I'd love to take a cooking class. I have issues with coming up with ideas for dinner. If Rich has to eat the same "Spicy Chicken" enchiladas or 4 types of soup for years on end he might just start eating out. (Which is a big statement!) Poor guy. Maybe a class would inspire me to be a more dedicated chef in the kitchen. Though I would settle for a cookbook filled with recipes my family would actually eat. That would be priceless!

* I would love to take golf lessons. Rich loves the sport and I could see us having a great time on the links in future years. I took a few years of golf when I was a teenager. We would hit a bucket of balls and then practice putting as a group. At the end we all would take a turn making a put and the winner could pick out a golf ball when we got back to the club house. I won a few balls that summer (hot pink, baby pink, baby blue and purple as I recall), but I don't think it was the lessons. It was from the years we often spent Saturdays at Trafalga playing a round of 18 miniature golf holes that won me my prizes.

* I would love to learn about photography. I love pictures. They are the best way to capture memories. I used to be better about taking video, but my little camera is always in my bag, so it's just easier to document things with still shots. I need to buy a higher quality camera first, but someday, I'd love to snap images that could pass for shots clips from a magazine. Someday.


Marcie said...

I would love every one of those also.

You need to get you a few crockpot cookbooks. I have three that are full of recipes that only have like four ingredients in them. Which means they are fast, easy and most likely don't have any ingredients in them that the kids will consider "yucky".

I'm considering asking for a certain photography/photoshop class for my birthday this year. I REALLY need to figure out what my camera can do.

Love your thoughts on what you already have perfected . Practice makes perfect. That's for sure.

Marcie said...

p.s. I just looked at your list of books that you own and plan to read. SO wish I lived close enough to borrow some. I am in a reading mood the past few weeks and have read everything I own.

Joe and Amy said...

Loved your list Cheryl, I need to play catch up with these. There have been some good ones lately, but we've been busy 'round here.

I ran in to your mom and dad while we were in Utah last week. They are such pleasant people. It was fun to chat with them for a second. In all the places we've lived since Brynn was born we haven't found a dr. or office we enjoyed as much as your dad's. They have such a great feeling there.

kara jayne said...

Sign me up for every one of those!!

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

Too bad we won't "end up" in the same place, you'd be fun to take Golf lessons with- I'm sure you would take to it much quicker than me.
I laughed too that our lists were similar. I guess great minds think alike!
Marcie- what are these recipes? You should share on your blog.. I love my crock pot.