Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Laughing Out Loud

I love a good laugh. I think it brightens your entire being. It's a true reflection of happiness. But the question is: What makes ME laugh. I had to put some thought into it. I don't laugh when I'm tickled. Nope. It's not funny. I don't laugh at most stand up comedians. Most are just awful, off color bits. I'm not a TV buff and have never watched a full episode of Seinfeld, The Office or most other TV shows people consider humorous. But I promise you, I do LOVE to laugh.

Here's what I came up with.

* My dad's facial expressions when telling a story. No one in the room can keep a straight face. Rich tells me I often am animated when I talk. I love to think that I have a bit of his story telling skills.

* My dad saying something with an accent. When we were in Mexico and he was saying Spanish words out loud as he read them, again, no one could hold it in.

* Brynn and her busy, bouncy body. How she jumps up and down all the time and dashes here and there around the house. Her nutty, "eclectic" style. And especially her deep belly laugh. She's a hoot.

* Kaitlyn and her extra wide smile that scrunches up her nose. She makes me giggle.

* How Josh can not tell a lie. You can see right through him and it always makes me laugh.

* Matt and all his random phrases. He keeps me in stitches.

* Trey and his never ending passion for "special chocolate milk" aka Ensure. I laugh every morning when I hear him utter "chocolate milk" when I wake him up. He's a nut.

* Rich and his undying fear of snakes. When we went go to the zoo he will NOT step foot in the snake house. I laugh the entire time I look through the exhibits while he waits outside. It's hard to believe that my big, strong husband just can't walk through the building. Oh, and his fear of roller coasters. We went to Six Flags right after we were married and were in line for some ride, he eyed the exit the entire time. I laughed and he nearly bolted. So cute!

* Confessions of a Shopaholic book. So sad, to admit that I can see just a bit of Becky in myself. Hard to not laugh at things you might actually do.

* The movie Elf. I still laugh at parts every time (Cutting down a tree in Central Park- "Fun? Felonies are fun now? I thought felonies were felonies? ")

* The movie The Princess Bride. Rich had never seen this show (GASP!) and we watched nearly all of it over Christmas break. I laughed as I said the lines. He thought I was nuts. I couldn't stop laughing.

* The first time I watched Madagascar I nearly passed out from laughing. When they got the Lady Liberty bit and it went from 'Help' to 'Hell'. Rolling on the floor laughing. The penguins were ingenious. And the king of the Lemurs was a hoot. Very funny movie.

* Watching the Dollies dance. They are a six girl dance group that shake and twirl during Stanford games. Painful funny I promise.

* Commercials often make me laugh. Like the hitchhiker with an axe, the cell phone one of the woman at her sister's baby shower, a few of the cellphone ones where they drop the call (when she told him she was pregnant), the Geico one where the caveman talks about jazz hands and all the Sport Center bits with real athletes are hilarious.

* Certain people just always make me chuckle. Like Kristi H. and her "For the Love" and many other things she just does that crack me up. My Uncle Mike and Uncle Dave always make me laugh. They are big teasers. And my cousin Scott is a riot. The stories he told from the pulpit on his mission homecoming about his experiences in the Philippines had the congregation rolling in the aisle. And the time he told us about hiking through the narrows and some guy in the party in front of him got stuck. He'll make your sides hurt.

* I laugh the entire time I'm at Disneyland. I'm so full of excitement, that I smile and laugh just to let some of the thrill out. Good times.

* Watching home movies, especially the ones where Brad chokes on a candy, I do some fierce clogging moves, when Greg and I are like 9 and 8 and we're peddling around on Big Wheels, we perform a circus show for our parents, the Nerd party, the lion bang hairdos, bad 80's fashion and when I get hit by Brad's baseball twice. Happy memories.

* Watching my kids do the slip and slide or ice skate.

* The time when my brothers and I watched Fear Factor on TV and the contestants had to eat boy animals parts. It was SO gross we were laughing and dry heaving at the same time. I don't get to laugh that hard that often.

* Or when our entire table got the giggles at Rich's cousin's wedding luncheon and all of us were holding our breath through the prayer. I was dying for air and let out a little squeak right before the amen. We weren't the favorite family members that day.

* Horrible dancing or singing when someone is serious. Sorry, but they should know better!

What makes you laugh out loud?


Marcie said...

I'm laughing just reading this. You put alot of thought into this list. I love all the little things.

Laughing about Rich and the snakes thing. My Grandpa was the same way...and couldn't even be in the same room as a fake snake.

p.s. Does Ensure taste better than pediasure? For the past two weeks I've been trying to get Davis to drink it. He claims he likes it, but then doesn't really drink very much. We bought banana cream, pathetically, it looks so gross, I can't even force myself to taste it. It is SO darn expensive, I don't want to buy every flavor, but may have to.

Laura F said...

Great list! I've struggled thinking about the past few TTAs, you can see I never did get around to last week's, but after reading yours I'm a little more inspired. You're so creative! And I LOVE Elf, too! Not so much a fan of the Princess Bride, I guess, but "Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?" always gets me. :-)

Kristi said...

For the love Cheryl, you are a funny gal! I still say we need to go to Six Flags together and let our pansy husbands watch the kids while we play!

"SANTA! I KNOW him! I know him!" makes me laugh every time. What a great movie.

America's Funniest Home Videos leaves me in tears every time I watch it. I know, that is so "8 year old" of me.

Jen said...

Cheryl great laughs. I think Hallie is next in line to Owen in the funny department.

Julianne said...

You had me laughing so hard, Cheryl. I needed a good laugh. Picturing your dad talking with an accent was hilarious to me. Rich at the snake house was also a great image. And, Kristi, I also lose it whenever I watch America's Funniest Home Videos. I should find more humor in my life. Nursing my six week old baby while using my foot to push my 3 year old away from clobbering my 2 year old should really make me realize my life is not only crazy, but quite humorous. I think I did this at least five times today. No one told me how many new uses each limb would have in my role as mother.