Saturday, March 20, 2010

A visit with the Bunny

After soccer, we ran to the mall to buy bigger cleats for Matt and new baseball pants and sliding shorts for Josh. We ventured into Williams-Sonoma and decorated free Easter cupcakes and saw lots of cute Easter outfits at Build-A-Bear. To our surprise, we found an extra special visitor just outside of Dillard's- The Easter Bunny himself. The girls were dying to say hello, but I didn't want to shell out $17 for 2 3x5 photos. Instead we said a quick hi and snapped a blurry picture on my camera phone. It made no difference to the girls. They were thrilled with meeting the Big Guy. They also received these cute paper bunny ears. Once they put them on, the girls just felt like hopping! Easter seemed to have found just a few weeks early this year!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Love those hopping bunnies of yours. They could not be cuter!

Can't believe your soccer has already begun. We have a few weeks yet.