Thursday, December 6, 2007

Winter Program

Trey's school chorus (grades 2-5) performed their Winter Program tonight in the school gym at 6:30 PM. All the children wore their chorus uniform and each got a blue Santa hat to wear and keep. All the other schools in the country would have purchased red hats, but not here in Cat Country! Not only were there singers there were drummers, dancers, flag twirlers, a soloist in a traditional Mexican dress, Japanese streamers, African tribal drums and a brief visit from Santa. It really was quite a production. We thought we were doing well getting Trey there 15 minutes early. Unfortunately everyone else there arrived far earlier, and we found the only available seat: Obstructed View (ropes hanging from the ceiling) on the last row on the far right. We had a serious bird's eye view and thankfully no one behind us to bump! This picture shows the choir, drummers on the stage and chorus dancers. They were really Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. The nights theme was "Holidays Around the World" and the chorus preformed a wide variety of songs. They sang Winter Wonderland, Deck the Halls, a Mexican song called Kings from the East, a Hanukkah song called O' Chanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, a Japanese song called Temple Bells and then finished with Rockin' around the Christmas tree and Sleigh Ride. It was a lot of fun and the kids did a great job.
Merry Christmas from the VPE Chorus!


Ashlee said...

SO our computer has been out for the past week and we just got it back today. I have missed catching up on your family.
I'm impressed with Trey's program. Your boys are adorable.

Laura F said...

wow, that looks like quite a production for elementary school - how fun! I love the comment about the ropes - I would have thought they were part of the room decor had you not said something! :-)

Amanda said...

Sounds like it was a great night. I look forward to my kids being involved in school activities like that.

Kimball has his school Nativity play next week and I can't wait to see it.