Monday, December 17, 2007

Holidays Around the World

Over the past few weeks, Josh and Matt have been learning about Holidays Around the World in school. They travel to a new country each day and write about it in their journal. They have learned many new facts and completed a craft that went along with each country they studied.

They have been sharing their new found knowledge with us and now we can all appreciate the vast array of cultures and their celebrations.

I remember doing something like this as a child and love seeing the different type of clothes the people wore and new different ways they celebrate holidays. I am happy that my children are getting this opportunity as well.Josh's journal was full of information on each place he visited. In ISRAEL he learned that Hanukkah celebrates the miracle of the lights. They painted a Dreidel.MEXICO: Matt show off a pinata that was filled with candy and treats. They learned about Los Posados. People knock on the door and ask for shelter.JAPAN: On Children's Day they wave fish flags.ITALY: They made these little stockings. A good witch brings presents to all the good children.SWEDEN: Saint Lucia gives food to homeless people.
GERMANY: They learned that Germany was the first country to use a Christmas tree. It was funny when Matt told me we (USA) stole their idea.
CHINA: They learned that China invented Ping Pong and practiced drawing numbers.

MALAYSIA: They do a dragon dance to scare away evil spirits. PHILIPPINES: The Star led them to baby Jesus. They have a Parade of Stars.

They also visited:

NORWAY: Santa Claus has a Julenieen.

ICELAND: The Vikings tricked people the people of Greenland so they could live in Iceland.

As the boys bring home their treasured crafts each day, I hang a few on the fridge and store the rest in a Rubbermaid under their bed. As we were looking through the pile to make sure we got pictures of all the crafts, Matt began digging deep into the stacks of paper. He thought for a minute and said, "Mom, sometimes it's so sad to see all these things I made in the good old days." Yes, Matt and wait until you get even older than 6! It will be even more meaningful to you then!

Happy Holidays to you all, wherever you live!


Amanda said...

That is such a fun idea to do in a classroom. What a great way for your boys to learn about other traditions and beliefs. Thanks for sharing all of the details.

Marcie said...

Your boys (with all day kindergarten) get to do so many more things than Hayden does.

Heather said...

It was so fun to catch up on you guys--it's been a while since I've got to catch up on my blog reading. I wish we were close enough for the HOrse Park--we love to bring guests there (in the summer!). Hope you did get some cute photos too--I'm sure you did, your kids are so cute anyway!

Barney Family said...


you are such a great mom! I must say I throw many of my kids work away. I should get some rubbermaid containers and start saving some. I am continually impressed with your blogging abilities and your knack for recording all your families adventures.


Heather Woolley said...

I'm so impressed with all the boys are learning at their school. I loved Matt's comments. He's such a cutie.