Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Checking the Calendar

If I didn't have my Christmas tree up, presents wrapped beneath and the overwhelming dread that comes with knowing I must soon pack it all, I really never could have guessed what the date was by looking outside. I might have even checked the calendar just to make sure I wasn't off by a month or two.

You see, while our parents and some siblings are fighting off frostbite and numb toes and shoveling white stuff left and right back in Utah, we simply are not. Yes, Kentucky is not known for its harsh winters, but still today was a bit strange. I always know when it will be a warm day when I enter my closet (above the garage, no heater vents and little insulation) and the temperature doesn't drop 20 degrees when you walk in. Nope, not today.

Yes, it had rained here for 4 straight days and there were constant flood warnings across the state, but today was even more peculiar. We hit a balmy 72 degrees this afternoon. With all the precipitation and now sunshine even the grass perked up. It's very bizarre for me to see leafless trees and Christmas decor and bright, healthy green grass.

Not wanting to be one who lets a perfectly wonderful day go by, I threw on a t-shirt and flip flops and enjoyed running errands with the girls with the windows down and Christmas music blaring. The girls were probably down right warm in their tights, undershirt, long pants and long sleeves. The boys played outside with their neighborhood friends until it was dark. It was a lovely day and I'm doubtful this good of a thing can last!


jamie said...

It's so crazy. Walker and I played outside for most of the afternoon. I couldn't believe it. I'll take this any day. :)

Marcie said...

Oh, what fun to have such a nice day. You'll have plenty of snow in Utah in a weeks or so...so enjoy the flip flops while you can.

Sally said...

So envious of the flip flops. I amm freezing here!