Friday, December 7, 2007

In Loving Memory

Great-Grandma Bernice Warner Beardall
July 21, 1910- December 7, 2007
5 Generations

So much to say, so much to share, a life time of memories, years of smiles and laughter and love. An exemplary life, selfless service and a beautiful person inside and out. It will take time to create a proper post to honor you, but for today, just know how much you touched my life, everyday. There is a hole in my heart.
I love you forever Grandma!


Laura F said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Cheryl. Maybe it's just me, but I think there's something strange about losing your grandparents, moreso as we get older ourselves. It's like the turning of a generation somehow, don't you think? When my mom officially became "the grandma" when my grandma J passed away, I surprisingly wasn't quite ready to be "the mom"... if that makes any sense. I look forward to your sharing some of your memories of her in a future post and wish you and your family well while you're away from home.

Laura F said...

Okay, one more thing - what a wonderful picture with her and with your kids! I just love that Trey will remember her, and possibly your other boys as well. I never met Justin's grandparents, or greats, for that matter, and my greats passed away when I was little. Great picture.

Amanda said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. Would you believe I actually remember her quite well? Of course you would, she was an unforgettable lady. How blessed you and your family are to have had her around for so long. Write as many things down of her that you can remember. You will love to read about it later and share it with your children. Please know that I am thinking about you and your family at this time.

Ashlee said...

What a blessing to have your great grandmother in your life that long!! I'm sorry for your loss.

Marcie said...

I am so sorry Cheryl. It is wonderful that you captured that picture with all of your kids.

Melissa {polkadot chair} said...

I'm so sorry to hear about her passing. From the way you describe her she sounds like she was a wonderful person.

Joe and Amy said...

I am so sorry to hear of her passing. Losing a grandparent is not easy, no matter how old they are, especially when you have such a close bond. Our hearts are with you! I can't wait to learn more about her, there is always something we can learn from that generation.

What a treasure to have that picture!