Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sprinkling Christmas Cheer

As we waited to sign in at the ENT office last Friday, an older couple were in front of us talking to the receptionist, looking through bags to find the proper paper work.

I visited with Rich as the timed passed.

As I looked toward the old man again, his wife was placing a handful of red and white into his palm.

He turned and walked over to Brynn, hand extended with a candy cane tied with a bright ribbon of red. "Merry Christmas, little girl."

I thought it was quite a funny thing to give Brynn since we were there in the waiting room because a bit of candy cane wrapper was lodged in her nose.

He then turned towards Kaitlyn and handed her a candy cane with a smile and then handed one to me, motioning the treat was for the baby.

As I held the sweet treat in my hand, I noticed a bit of green between the candy and the ribbon. I untied the bow and there was a $5 bill rolled tightly around the candy cane. Each of the candy canes had the same hidden treasure.

I looked at the man and said, "Thank you so much."

"Just trying to help Santa a bit."

I was in awe of this generous act and kind spirit. He was simply trying to spread Christmas cheer to children and strangers.

His wife had a broken leg and recent surgery and was waiting to see the doctor, and yet they had been think not of themselves, but others as they prepared their gifts and passed them out to people they met.

I hope I can be like that. Ready to give and not receive. That's the real spirit of Christmas and that's the one sure way we can truly have that sweet spirit of the season in our hearts- to love and serve and help others along the way.

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