Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Elephant

The saying goes, "An elephant never forgets...."

My elephant says, "Member that?" while she scrunches up her nose and squints one eye.

And to be perfectly honest, sometimes I really don't.

She has a crazy good memory.

Sometimes I am taken aback at the things she can recall from long ago.

For example....

* She spied a little armadillo light Matt won at the balloon glow in Louisville a year and a half ago. She would have been two years old back then. She said, "Matt won that at balloons. I played duck game. I got tooth brush. Member that?" Totally true, but it took me a second to recall the memory.

* "Mom, you hiding Trey's book on fridge. He can't see it. Member that?" Oops. One of Trey's Christmas presents stashed out of sight. At least I thought it was.

* While looking though the drawers for an outfit for Zach, Kaitlyn spied a pair of brown cotton pants. "Nancy gave that Zach. Him's shirt has airplanes that match. Member that?" I was in the hospital when Nancy dropped off the gift. The girls tore open the package while Rich was talking to her. He gave me a vague description of the gift. Kaitlyn was on another level. She knew what the pants and shirt looked like and found the cute toy Nancy made. She knew more than her Daddy that time.

* The girls were playing in the family room when Brynn pulled out a small pack of tissues to clean up a spill. "Mom, those Patty's tissues. Member that?" I am Patty's visiting teacher and a year ago she asked me to drive her to the church for a funeral. The girls came along for the ride. Patty accidentally left the tissues in my car. She might have forgotten them, but Kaitlyn never did.

* I was changing Zach's diaper down stairs and asked the girls to run up and grab some wipes. Kaitlyn came to the rescue. "Mom, you put them heres. Member that?" There shoved in the small drawer in the bathroom was a package of wipes I had stashed away and forgotten. Kaitlyn knew right where to find them..

* It takes us twenty minutes to drive to church. There are endless red lights and stops while getting there. Sometimes when you don't catch the light, you can take a different road in hopes of avoiding sitting and waiting at a light. One day while driving to the building, Rich drove past our normal turn and drove to the next light to turn. Kaitlyn didn't skip a beat. "Dad, you missed the turn! Member that?" No way could the boys tell you which street we usually take.

* We were driving the boys to school, when we passed a white police car. Brynn shouted out, " It Chris' police car. (Chris being our next door neighbor)." "Nope," said Kaitlyn. "Hims car has words. Member that?" Why, yes it does.

* After basketball practice we begin our long drive to the church for scouts every Wednesday night. As we near Alumni Road, Kaitlyn uses her eagle eye and spies a large church that houses her dance class, though we only drive past the other side of the building, a side she never goes in. "There's my dance class. Member that?" Sure do sweetie.

* We were headed into the school to have lunch with the boys when I saw a woman across the parking lot loading a child into a car seat. My mind questioned if I knew the her. A girls voice piped up, loud and strong, while she pointed in the woman's direction. "It's Grant's mom. Hims in my class. Member that?" Indeed Grant is in your nursery class. And I here I was still thinking if the woman was who I thought she was. Kaitlyn, you're way ahead of me girl!

* When I tuck the girls in bed, I usually tell them what we'll be doing the next day. One morning last week, I woke her up so we could take the boys to school. The second she opened those sleepy eyes she mumbled. "We go visiting teaching today. Member that?" Why, yes we were. Glad she reminded me!

* While gather our pool belongings, Kaitlyn spied a pair of goggles and a pool toy. "Thems Issac's. He left thems. Member that?" I wasn't sure, but I didn't doubt her for an instant. She was right. That summer she also picked up and had us return goggles to Addison. If she knows it, you can bet she'll be right.

There you have a few examples of my sweet Elephant and her near photographic memory. Now I just have to hope it can rub off on me so I can 'member that'!

Love you Kaitlyn!

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