Thursday, December 3, 2009


This year decorating for Christmas was a real family affair. The minute we walked in the door from the Millars on Thanksgiving evening, the girls were ready to pull out the tree. I wasn't quite as eager as them. My house needed a quick fix up before I was ready to handle the boxes and chaos that ensues once the various boxes are dug out from the storage room and dumped out throughout the house. I did make a compromise and we all helped take down the Thanksgiving decor that night, making it possible to have an early start the very next morning. At first light, they were ready to go! We turned some Christmas music on and had a great time turning our home into a little winter wonderland.Brynn took on the tree decorating all by herself. When I told her she needed to wait because I hadn't put the lights on yet, she simple found a strand in the box, plugged the them, placed them on the tree and kept working away. To her credit, she was a dedicated little worker and spent over an hour carefully placing each and ever ornament (all on the lower part of the tree). I had to wait until she was asleep so I could remove her work, allowing me to string the lights and place the beads BEFORE we put up the ornaments. I know she was pleased with the end results.

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