Friday, December 2, 2011

Temple Square

For the past ten years Rich and I have said we would love to go to Temple Square on the first night they turn the lights on.  This was our year!  We invited everyone we knew to come along for the fun.  Josh had basketball games in West Jordan at 8 am and 1 pm.  After that wrapped up, we headed up to downtown.  We got there before the crowds and it was so beautiful.  We ate at the Lion House Pantry and strolled the grounds before it got dark.  My parents met us and my brother Brad and his family and Kurt and Pearl came up too.  I loved walking past the administration building and thinking of the day we went there 13 years ago when Rich's parents were set apart as mission president.  I loved all of the nativities and watching the sunset on the temple.  We were able to walk up to the Christus before it was swarming with people and watch the outdoor nativity story with just our family and my mom and dad!  I loved the cutout of the Salt Lake Temple in the south visitors center and understanding the layout of all of the rooms.  But of course, my favorite part were the lights.  Oh, it's simply magnificent!  The pink trees that surround the assembly hall are my favorite and there was one huge tree next to the temple that still had bright yellow leaves, which made the white lights twinkle and sparkle.  It was lovely.  It was a night to remember with family and a tradition I hope to keep.

PS As we cut through Deseret Book to get to our car, there in the back was David Archuleta signing autographs.  We asked two girls in line how long they had waited.  3 hours!  The boys waved hello and got a 'Hi' and smile back.  Beats waiting in line!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

You must have timed it right....I need your secrets. We went one year the night they turned on the lights and it was one of the bigger nightmares of my life.

So crowded you couldn't even walk, kids were getting trampled and lost........seriously, I need your secrets.