Friday, December 2, 2011


Has there ever been a better picture with Santa?  I mean there are smiling faces, a terrified two-year old, milk, cheese, O.J. and a whole stack of Coca-Cola!

Gotta love Kohler's.  Kristi called me on Monday afternoon and informed me there was a Santa next to the produce (every Monday from 4-8 pm)!  We went straight there after Josh's basketball game. 

Santa gave out goodies and there were donuts and chocolate milk for good boys and girls.  Zach got close enough while still in my arms to whisper 'tools' and the girls chatted him up and mentioned wanting toys I have never, ever heard of.  Good thing Santa in charge of getting those gifts under the tree!

Who needs a mall when you've got a grocery store?

Ho! Ho! Ho!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

You crack me up! Look how happy Zach was when the visit was over and he got his goody bag.....