Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Snapshots

Okay, so I do have six kids, not three, but the older boys always run inside as soon as we get home from church and change their clothes. So this Sunday, you get three of my brood. Which is better than only two as you've seen in past weeks. But let's be honest, girls dresses are just much more exciting than sweater vests and khakis. And the girls have triple the options of Sunday attire than the boys do. And babies are always fun to photograph. There you go.


Marcie said...

Love that last picture!

It is so fun that you get to buy two dresses of all the lines at Gymboree. It would make decisions easier to make :)

Your girls always look so darling.

Kristi said...

AHHHH! I want to EAT Zach! He is too too cute! I seriously cannot believe how darling and HUGE he is! The girls look darling as always.