Thursday, May 20, 2010


What can be fancier than a bunch of little girls celebrating a birthday?! Not many things when it's a Fancy Nancy party!

The girls' friend Addison (who's our nearly next door LDS neighbor) threw a birthday party to celebrate her turning 4.

Once the party invitation arrived, they couldn't think or talk of much else. The actual party did not disappoint!
Addison's mom Laurel made this darling birthday banner. (I had to snap a picture so I can make one for us!)They read Fancy Nancy.Had a fancy lunch.There were fancy decorations.
They jumped on a fancy trampoline.The girls wore their fancy 'cupcake' clothes. They made fancy hair clips.
They broke a fancy (and darling!) pinata.Ate fancy cupcakes (no thanks on the sherbet parfaits!)And loved seeing Addison open all her fancy presents.
In fact, it was SO fancy, it wore Brynn right out. (Which is nearly impossible to do!) What a FANCY and FUN day!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Fanciness does tend to wear a girl out.

What a fun party! Your girls look so darling.