Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bon Appétit

Zach loves food. He'll eat anything you put in front of him. Anything. This morning it was: Ravioli (he was purring "Umm, Umm"), graham crackers, a couple mini marshmallows, a pancake, a few Trix and a sippy cup of water. As you can see, he enjoyed every bite. And ended up wearing a few bites too.The real question was how I should get him out and not get slimed by all his leftovers. I simply detached his chair and put the whole thing with him still buckled in in the sink. He didn't seem to mind and I didn't get coated with tomato sauce. Not a bad deal for both of us.


Kate said...

Haha! Wish I could have been there for that one!

Kristi said...

Whoa he's cute. And you didn't need to tell me he loves food. It's pretty obvious. :)

First thing I thought of when I saw this post -- this is my dirty life times two in a few months. Yikes! Seriously, how did you do it twice???

Heather Woolley said...

LOVE messy kid pics! So cute.