Monday, January 18, 2010

Snow Days 1 & 2

It was the talk of the town- the BIG one was coming. A huge winter snow storm was approaching Lexington set to arrive on January 7.

If you anything about Kentucky, they LOVE their weather. It was the big story, the middle story and the end story of the news program. Toss in sports and a short blurb about some break in or car crash and there was your 30 minutes.

The weather man talked big. They predicted big. 4-6 inches to be exact. Around here, that's like a true Mt. Everest of snow.

And so they thought ahead big. Notes came home from teaches asking how they could get a hold of you if they decided to have an early dismissal from school. I knew the next day, at some time, school would be cut short. In my mind I just planned on a phone call around 11:30 AM informing me that the boys needed to be picked up.

Instead, they just went nuts. They called off school at 5 AM, a full 7 hours before the first snow flake fell. Clear roads, no snow and my kids were home for the day. Crazy, folks. Crazy. The first flake fell around noon. The roads were find until 1:30 PM. Now we get to make it up. Nice.

School was also canceled on Friday.

The boys LOVED their snow days. They played for hours outside in the bitter cold with their friends. They used push brooms and shovels to gather up every bit of white to make two forts in the yard.

They cleared my drive way and sidewalks in trade for hot chocolate and cookies. Sounded fair to me.

Gymnastics was canceled and we huddle in. We watched G-Force and Cloudly with a Chance of Meatballs. We baked pizza and played Boggle.

From December 18 until January 11 my boys were in school for exactly THREE days. Might be the longest Christmas break ever.

While I don't love making up the missed work, I never mind sleeping in, forgetting about homework and enjoying watching the lovely snow fall here in the great land of Snow Days.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

With those three boys working together.....I'm sure that driveway was cleared in no time.

We have had so little snow here this year, I'd forgotten about snow days.

Sounds like you are right on top of the Red Box new releases like us. If Red Box doesn't get it, we don't see it.