Friday, June 22, 2007

Three Little Swimmers Who Could

Pinnacle Pirates Swim Team 2007

I am happy to report that we have three little swimmers! It is amazing to me what a difference two weeks makes! The boys finished their lessons today at Transylvania University and they have improved by leaps and bounds. I know the swim team practice in the morning also helps because the more time in the water the better, but the extra instruction paid off. They got certificates today and t-shirts. The boys are going to miss seeing Coach Casey and jumping off the high dive.

Check out Trey's Kung Fu photo. He has no fear of heights. He was bouncing off the end of the high dive! Matt and Josh both jumped off he low dive and can swim over to the side by themselves and Matt was super brave and went off the high dive by himself too! When he gets going it's like he has a little motor pushing him along. It's so fun to watch them progress and gain self confidence. What a joy!

Trey and Josh swam in their first swim meet last night for the Pinnacle Pirates. Matt is going to wait a little longer and then he'll join in. The meet is a big deal and the kids range from 4-18. The pool is packed and the kids all put on pirate tattoos and dress up. We swam against the Copperfield Crocs and it began at 6 PM. Trey and Josh both swam 25 meters freestyle and Trey also did 25 meter backstroke.

Josh was so nervous I thought he might throw up. He found out he would be swimming the day before and just kept asking questions and was scared because he knew he would have to hold on to the lane line to catch his breath. We said that would be fine, so he said he could do it. When it was his turn he jumped right in and went full speed. He looked awesome and pulled away early. He raced against two other swimmers. He had to grab the lane line about five times, but finished the race in 56.63 seconds and was awarded a first place blue ribbon. Every heat gets ribbons for the place the kids come in.

Trey was next and I knew he could make it across, but I thought he might have to flip onto his back to catch his breath. Trey is fearless and full of spunk and when the bell rang he was off and NEVER stopped. It was incredible. He popped his head up for a breath now and then and was the leader the entire race. He finished first in just 35.47 seconds and got a blue ribbon. After he came out of the water he said, "I didn't know I could do that!" He was so proud of himself. He also swam the back stroke against five other swimmers. Once again he came alive, pulled a head and won first place in 41.85 seconds. Quite the night for first timers!!

The girls were angels through it all sitting patiently in their stroller taking it all in. What sweet babies!

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