Friday, June 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Matt and Josh!

Josh and Matt turn six-years old today. How quickly the time has passed. Yesterday, Rich and I were reflecting the events of their birth day on June 29, 2001.

I had been on strict bed rest for over a month and had just passed the blessed 36 week mark in my pregnancy. Oh how I had longed for the day that I could get off the couch!

When I was 28 weeks we had moved home from Louisville to Utah with little Trey. He was just 21 months when the boys arrived. Rich's parents were serving as mission presidents in Brazil so we lived with my family in Salem. Rich took a class at BYU and my Mom chased Trey around while I lounged on a couch in the family room off the kitchen. The time moved slowly, but with the help of movies, TV, a cordless phone, books and my beloved Gameboy I wasn't too bored.

On June 27 I went to my doctor, Brian Wolsey M.D., who told me that I was doing well and that getting to 36 weeks was like getting a B grade. I now was supposed to try to get to 38 which would be an A. There were no indications that I would be going into labor anytime soon. That meant my Mom and little brother Jeff were safe to drive 10 hours to Wyoming for Youth Conference. On the morning of the 28th they loaded the car and were soon off. That day I actually got up a bit more and made dinner for the family. After dinner I started to feel intense contractions in my stomach and back. I waited a few hours and finally went downstairs to get ready for bed. After a few more hard contractions I was hurriedly packing my bag and we were off to the hospital. We called Rich's sister Rosie who met us at the hospital and took Trey. It was her birthday as well. We then called my Mom and Jeff and told them to turn around! My Dad went to a delivery in Payson as we were leaving the house, but met us at Utah Valley so he could be the assisting doctor.

Just a few hours later (about five hours from start to finish) our family had grown from three to five. Josh was born first at 1:41 AM with a head full of dark hair and tipping the scales at 7 lb 2 oz. Rich said that he looked to be the size that Trey was and that was quite shocking since Josh was 4 weeks early. Matt arrived just seven minutes later and was 6 lb 8 oz. They could breath on their own and were beautiful to look at, though Josh's face got a bit bruised on the way out. He had a sign saying "I have a busied face" in his bassinet so no one would think he had stopped breathing. My Mom and Jeff rushed back and arrived around 3 AM. We woke up the Brazil gang and gave them the good news of Josh and Matt's safe arrival.

Happy Birthday to my boys! Thanks for six wonderful years. I love you so and am very grateful to be your Mom!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

That blows me away that it has been six years! You were amazing, pregnant with the boys, chasing Trey and teaching school! I just got a Summit mailer and Sam Benninger and Micheal Manacci graudated this year.(from 8th grade) It looked like Sam was in a wheelchair. Crazy it's been that long huh?