Wednesday, February 16, 2011


it was one of those perfect early spring days
the sun was bright
a warm breeze blew
we hit a high of sixty-seven degrees, a near record
it begged for me to whip out my beloved flip flops
the neighborhood came alive
joggers, dog walkers, bike riders, rollerbladers
every three houses you could spy a mean game of horse or knock out on the driveway
teenagers slowly walked by in packs
Zach was in high heaven
that boy loves being outside more than anything else in the world
the girls rode their scooters and peddled their trike
the boys played basketball with their friends
Zach went up the ladder and down the slide forever
the girls built a secret house in the playhouse
and scrubbed the swings with a Mr. Clean Eraser
we snacked on apple slices and Pringles
we were coated in mud from head to toe
we stayed out until Rich came home and the sun was setting
spring finally found her way to Cincinnati
we were waiting

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