Friday, November 5, 2010

Preschool Halloween Parade and Class Parties

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
1:15 PM

I signed up to help with Kaitlyn's class party.  Two other mom and I divided up the responsibilities and created a really fun little Halloween bash.  Kaitlyn's classroom is upstairs and there was an extra room across the hall we used for the party.  We decorated it before the parade and then had the party right after.  We had spooky music playing, while the kids color pumpkin masks.  They played a 'stick the spider on the web' game the girls and I made up.  They all giggled as I covered their eyes and spun them around.  They got a little prize and then went back to their seats and made a Halloween beaded necklace.  They snacked on fun sweet cereal mix, apple juice and cookies.  I read the story Spookley the Square Pumpkin and they took home goodie bags.  Zach loved running around the room playing with the toys that were in the corners and sitting by Kaitlyn while they ate.  He was so good, even though it was his nap time.  I loved being part of Kaitlyn's special day and helping with her first class party.

After Kaitlyn's party, I went downstairs to help with Brynn's party and take some pictures. Luckily for me the parties didn't overlap.

Brynn's teacher read a Halloween story, they had pumpkin cookies and apple juice.  They played Halloween Bingo and made an awesome craft of a spider on a web. 

Brynn gave me and Zach and million hugs and it was so special to spend time with her during her party as well. 

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Love it! Aren't you seriously digging the collages???