Saturday, November 27, 2010


We had a wonderful, quiet, slower Thanksgiving and enjoyed every minute being together.  After ten years of living away from family I am used to sharing it with friends, but Rich was on call and we are new to the area, so we simply had our feast with our little bunch.  The big boys went and played football in the rain and cold with our ward's Elders Quorum, while the girls and Zach and I watched the Macy's Parade.  It's a must in my book.  We all pitched in and helped cook the meal.  Trey mashed yams, the girls cut up celery and broke up bread for the stuffing, Josh made green bean casserole, Rich sliced up potatoes, Matt ran errands here and there, all while Zach clamored to get in on the action.  Brynn and Kaitlyn decorated and decorated and decorated some more.   We ate when the bird was cooked the oven was empty.  We managed a group shot by propping the camera on a stack of bowls and used the self timer.  Sure Zach wasn't looking and I had to straighten it out with Picassa, but all my loved ones were there.  A perfect portrait.  We watched Charlie Brown, Elf and played a few games.  We gobbled up pie, reflected on Thanksgivings past and listed off what we were thankful for.  It was a meal not to be forgotten.

I have so much to be grateful for.  My wonderful husband who works so hard, sleeps so little, is hands on with the kids and cleaning and tells me he loves me multiple times a day.  My dear kids who keep life exciting, entertaining and enjoyable.  They are our greatest blessings and joy.  They are unique, different and we love their zeal and zest for life.  We are grateful for Rich's fellowship opportunity here in Cincinnati.  We are in shock we will actually be moving to Utah this summer and know Rich's job at Central Utah will be a perfect fit for him.  We love all of our kids teachers.  They gave the boys glowing reports at parent teacher conference on Monday night and I was as impressed with their good grades as much as the kind words the teacher shared about each one.  We feel the love from our family and their support has helped us through the last decade living away.  We have been surrounded by the most amazing friends that we loved like family.  They have enriched our lives and made us better people.  I am so grateful for the gospel in my life.  For my Savior who has felt every pain, every loss, every heartbreak and only wants the best for me and to bring happiness into my life.  I am thankful for my Heavenly Father who is mindful of me every day.  Who hears my prayers.  Who sends tender mercies every day and is hope and love.  Life is a blessing and every day I am grateful to be exactly where I am sharing it all with my family.


Sarah said...

Your Thanksgiving had everything a Thanksgiving should have (in my mind): a little football for the boys, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, smiles, and food, food, and more food!

Love your decorations! So festive. So glad you had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving!

Marcie said...

LOVE your giant Mayflower.

Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving. What a blessing it will be next year to be here eating with family and not have to make every part of the meal yourself :) Although, it sounds like you did have a lot of willing hands.

Sally said...

OOH! I looked at those PB ships all month debating...they are so cool.

I love the picture of your family watching the parade. Its always such a highlight.

I am assuming your going home for Christmas??