Saturday, November 20, 2010

Straight from their mouths....

Kaitlyn was helping me unload the groceries and she pulled out a carton of egg nog from the sack.  "Oh good.  Dad will love the 'Egg Juice'."

When Zach was learning how to walk, he often would show off his skills more at night.  Trey noticed his habit and declared, "Mom, Zach is Walk-turnal."

When Rich celebrated his birthday in October, Brynn asked me in the car if he was going to die now.  I said no, people usually die when they are really old, and her dad and I weren't there yet.  I did say that someday we all will die.  It's part of life.  Brynn thought for a minute then said, "When I die, I will miss me."

Let's face it, I LOVE my camera and rarely go anywhere without it.  We met up with friends at a Cincinnati Red's game recently and after a night of fun, lots of pictures and even a trip to the bathroom with my camera charger in hand to find a power outlet for a quick battery recharge for a few final shots, Wade Powell told me straight up, "You know Cheryl, some people are attached the hip.  You are attached at the neck, with your camera." 

After telling Brynn to do something, she said, "This is Ridickerous!"

The subject of Justin Bieber came up and I told the boys he was from Canada.  "Weird," Matt said.  "He doesn't look Canadian."   Confused I asked, "Huh?  What does a Canadian look like?"  After a moment pause Trey answered, "Steve Nash."

Brynn was getting totally glammed up in preparation for her "date with Prince Eric."  After she applied some lipstick she told me she was going to meet her "date boy" and would come back to put on her "Marry dress and marry ring."

While on pursuit of those all important Madame Alexander Happy Meal dolls, I took the entire crew to McDonald's for lunch.   The boys saved a spot while I ordered the food.  I came back with too many meals to count.  As I passed out the food, I took out the dolls and gave them to the girls.  Matt saw me pull out a doll from his sack.  "What, you got girl toys for everyone?!  Suddenly this Happy Meal isn't making me feel so happy."

Brynn was happily gabbing on the phone with Rich's mom and few days before Halloween.  Grandma Blackhair (what we call her) told Brynn she'd be thinking of her on Halloween.  Without a pause Brynn replied, "But if you forget, I'll draw you a picture of myself and mail it to you."  Problem solved.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Seriously, who still drinks eggnog???