Friday, February 26, 2010

A Very Merry Un-Birthday

Between endless snow days trapped inside and a few bouts with various illnesses, the girls have been keeping busy.

And keeping me busy cleaning up after them.

After helping throw me a very successful birthday party last Saturday (cake- check, decorations- check, wrapping presents-check), they found their true calling in life.

Their ultimate speciality- birthday parties (and often the un-birthday kind).

Whenever I walk into a room, I'm certain to find bits of wrapping paper, scissors, tape and loads of 'gifts' all over the floor. They are just bursting with creativity and birthday wishes and feel the need to share it with us all.
Last night, they set up their 'party' and got everyone around the table to pass out precious presents.
Josh got the #1 prize- Hello Kitty bandages. Just what he always wanted. Promise.

Thanks girls for keeping life FUN!!


Kristi said...

CLASSIC! Tell Josh I'll send him our Barbie bandaids if it makes him THAT happy!

Barney Family said...

Cheryl I can't believe how grown up your baby is looking! Time fly's! Happy Birthday! I know I'm a little late. It looks like you had a great birthday. What are your plans for next year?
