Monday, February 15, 2010

Getting ready

110 Valentines signed
110 pieces of candy stapled tight
50 Valentine tattoos secured
45 photo cards addressed and mailed
6 teacher cards written
5 baggies bursting with treats
3 mailboxes repaired
3 boys excited for class parties
2 girls bursting with joy for their playgroup party
1 happy Momma the work is all done.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

I thought about you when I was just trying to get three kids ready for Valentines day.

Seeing those numbers makes me tired.

I love Valentines day.

But I did decide last week that it is more work to get ready than any other school holiday.

Can't believe that you sent out 45 valentine cards. Think how many people were so happy to get that surprise in the mail (me included).