Saturday, February 20, 2010


Rich informed me that this is my 'Larry Bird Birthday'.

That's not a bad thing since he's one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

After a brief bit of research, I discovered that 33 is also:

The coming of age of a hobbit in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and
the namesake of the private club, Club 33, located in Disneyland's New Orleans Square.

It looks like its going to be a really, really great year.

It has to be after I got to celebrate it with my seven most favorite people, enjoy a gorgeous Hello Kitty cake selected by my two darling daughters, watched my oldest three sons battle it out in the Pinewood Derby, devoured a delicious dinner at Chili's and received so many cards, calls, texts, messages and gifts from those I love. Thank you!

Life is pretty sweet, if you ask me. I don't mind getting older one single bit. Thirty-three sounds like the perfect number to me.


Marcie said...

Happy Birthday!

I LOVE your cake. I honestly wish I had a guest house that I could decorate completely in Hello Kitty things (it would have to be a guest house because Jim wouldn't allow it in the real house :)

I hope you had a wonderful day! I thought all week long what cute things I could send you off in the mail for your birthday....then it never actually came to fruition. But you deserve lots of attention and love and it is so good to hear you got some.......even if you did have to share the big day with the Pinewood Derby :)

You are inspiring to me in a million ways. I look up to you, love you and am so happy to know you. Happy 33! Interesting to discover that you are now considered a full grown Hobbit :)

Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday!!

Heather Woolley said...

Happy Birthday Cheryl!! I thought about you all day on the 20th, but feel so bad that I never called you. You are so amazing. A mom of six at age 33 and look like you are still 19. You move and do more than anyone I know and you manage to do it with a smile on your face! Amazing! Wish you all the best!!! Hope we get to see you sometime this summer.

Shelly said...

Happy Belated Birthday Cheryl!! You are such an amazing person. I can't believe how much you do and ALWAYS with a giant smile on your face. You are, and have always been, an example for me and I really am glad to know you!

Kristi said...

HOLY HELL! Yes I am swearing on your blog for effect because I'm the world's biggest IDIOT. CHeryl, how did I miss your birthday? I had to have talked to you a few times that day... I'm kind of freaking out right now....

You are the best, most thoughtful friend on the planet and have a way to always make people feel special and then your big BUTT of a friend does nothing on YOUR special day. What is wrong with my brain? I swear I am semi-RETARDED! I even reminded someone ELSE last week that your birthday was coming up. I'm scaring myself. Yes, I no longer look at the calendar but COME ON! I am so so so so sorry. If it makes you feel any better, at the grocery store today I tried to wheel my grocery cart on the curvey side that you pay on. The lady looked at me like I was special ed and said "I think you're supposed to put it on this side". Whoa. I will not go to sleep tonight until I figure out a way to make it up to you... Can you please still be my friend?!?!?

Kristi said...

P.S. I would be calling you right NOW but I'm not absolutely certain you're awake. Tomorrow morning you will be hearing from me (unless I FORGET)!

Marcie said...

It was me that asked Kristi for sure what day your birthday was......I can vouch for her pregnancy brain:)

Jen said...

Holy Hell!! That is my new favorite word!! :-)

I hope you had a wonderful day Cheryl! You are the absolute best!!!

Sally said...

Ok, so I told B that I want a big fat Hello Kitty Party for my 40th Birthday...I'm not kidding one bit. You and Marcie are totally invited.

Happy Happy Birthday. I love your first picture with your kids...its darling