Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Days 3 & 4

After a mild week of weather, with a lot of rain, snow once again fell here in Lexington. We spied the 3 inches of snow outside this morning and knew school would be canceled. Rain started to fall around 8 AM making the snow heavy and wet and difficult to shovel.

This evening the temperatures dropped turning the moisture back into snow. We should get another two inches over night. The roads are slick and icy and they canceled school tomorrow. It is supposed to be bitter cold for the rest of the week. Who knows whey the boys will resume classes.

I still laugh when just a few inches of snow shuts down a city, but they don't plow here (except the main roads) and people don't have 4 wheel drive vehicles, nor any snow driving skills.

I don't consider a snow day a bad thing. I enjoy a surprise day off once in a while, even when these two days will be tacked onto the end of the school year.

The boys played outside for hours. Even though the snow might have been too wet to sled on, it was great for making snowmen.


Marcie said...

Snow days are such a big part of each of your winters out there. Hayden has NEVER had one in his three years of school. They don't even know they exist. My kids would LOVE it. It is always nice to have surprise days off.......for everyone.

Marcie said...

I am always AMAZED that you can get all six of your kids smiling perfectly in the same photo.

Got our Valentine today. So stinking cute!

I was dying at Zach acting like such a big boy sitting there smiling at the camera....are you kidding me?