Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Number Nine

Nine years ago, on September 26, 1999, I became a mother when Richard Taylor Jackson III arrived two weeks early in Provo, Utah. What a miracle it was to welcome this new little life into our family. A blessed day indeed. What a ride it has been. Being a mother has been the most joyful and challenging job I could ever have. And that is because I have amazing kids. Trey was my number one. Lucky me. So here's to my sweet Trey. Happy Birthday kiddo. We love you. Enjoy your big day.
Nine Reasons To LOVE Trey!

1. Trey made me a mom. I loved the almost 2 years I had with him as my only buddy. I took him to work with me at my dad's office. He was my shopping buddy and constant companion. I did not leave him over night until I gave birth to Josh and Matt. I still love to sneak off for one on one time with my big man. He's a lot of fun to visit with and hang out with.

2. Trey is a great big brother. I guess that is what happens when you are the only single birth among twins. It doesn't matter that me made is debut alone. I actually think he really likes being different. He reads to Josh and Matt. He'll play and wrestle with Brynn and Kaitlyn and he loves to battle his brothers on the PS2. Yes, he usually is the boss creating the rules, but hey I guess you've earned being the oldest of five and the only one with out a buddy.

3. For the past five years each morning when woken, he sticks out his arm waiting for his cup of "special chocolate milk." He guzzles down his can of chocolate Ensure Plus. I love it. No matter what he eats for the rest of the morning, I know he started it off right.

4. I love Trey's passion for reading. He devours books like no other. There are so many stacks of books on the end of his bed that it makes it difficult to keep the covers straight. His teachers rave about his ability to read and he currently has the highest amount of reading count points in his class.

5. Trey is fantastic at spelling. I do not possess this gift. No matter what insane words his teacher throws out at him, by Friday he'll can spell them out perfectly. This takes so much pressure off me since I have to work with Josh and Matt on their lists as well.

6. Trey knows the scripture stories by heart. Our bishop gave him is own set of scriptures when he was baptized last year. Since then he has been plugging away reading the Book of Mormon on his own. Each night we read a story or two out of the Book of Mormon reader. With just a single word clue, Trey can repeat the story leaving out little detail. Truly amazing.

7. Trey has a big heart. He'll give me a big hug and kiss daily and tell me I'm a great mom. What better pick-me-up is there than that!? He cannot watch movies when children get into mischief and you know they'll get in trouble. He cannot watch a show where someone is going to be hurt. He has a soft heart. And if any of his siblings go missing, for even a few seconds here in the house, he's the one calling their names and searching for them until they are located. He really is a sweet, thoughtful boy.

8. Trey has a love of music. You can constantly find him at home or around town with a set of headphones on listening to the iPod. He loves finding new artists on iTunes. He memorizes the lyrics and has a great singing voice. He is excited to start piano lessons in January and is dying to learn how to play the guitar. I love singing along with him at home or in the car. Music can stir the soul and bring happiness into a dull day.

9. Rich often says Trey is my clone. From our personalities to our facial expressions we seem to mirror each other. For good or bad, I enjoy having a child that I understand. And while at times this can frustrate me to no end, I realize that its because I can see myself in him and I want him to be better than me. And I have no doubts that he will.

Love you TREY!! Happy number nine!


Shawni said...

He sounds like quite a kid! Isn't it the best when the oldest set such a great example for the younger ones.

I'm feeling for you that you want to be at Oprah tomorrow! Darn. Loved the facts and the good and the bad.

I can't believe you know Julie and in a round about way Nichole. That's so funny. Nichole was my roommate at BYU (her blog's on my sidebar if you want to see what they're up to) and Julie was in our little "group." Love those girls. I wish I saw Julie more...she lives out further south, but Nichole lives three doors down from me. Her parents are in our ward too. It really is a small world.

Jen said...

What a great birthday list Cheryl! I always thought Trey was such a great kid. That is great he likes to read so much. What a great kid, happy birthday Trey buddy!!

Marcie said...

Yep, I agree with Rich. So many of those wonderful things you listed about Trey are totally Cheryl traits as well.

Can't believe he is nine. Happy Birthday Trey!

Kristi said...

Happy Birthday Trey! I cannot believe he is 9. I still remember the 18 mo old little one kicking a ball at Tom Sawyer park when you were as big as a house with the twins. :) I have so loved watching Trey grow.

Anonymous said...

They grow so fast and yet so slow at times. You are so blessed to have Trey!

Julie and Matt said...

Cheryl- Can you believe our little boys are getting so old? Trey is such a cute kid! Tell his that his buddy, Chase, wishes him a happy belated birthday. We had such a fun time seeing you guys over the summer. We're going to be in Utah again a couple days after Christmas. Maybe you will be there? We would love to see you again!

I can't believe you have become friends with Shawni. I just talked to her on the phone yesterday. What a small world. She's so cute!