Thursday, September 11, 2008

Football Frenzy: Part 2

How do you end a day spent with the Cincinnati Bengals? By spending the evening on the field with the University of Kentucky football team.It was fan appreciation night.Another perfect event for our family.Josh was giddy.We fit right in with our blue attire. Me and the girlsWe checked out the bowl game trophiesUK head coach Rich BrooksAnd got even more autographs. The players laughed that they were signing in the boys summer journals. They told the boys to be smart and work hard in school. I agree.The boys tried on some UK football gear. MattJoshTreyI couldn't resist and had to try it on myself. (Don't you love my 'Ashley Judd' t-shirt!)The girls practiced their cheer leading moves on the ground and in the air.Then wrapped up the night gobbling up a box of popcorn on the 50 yard line as fireworks lit up the night sky. Gotta love football!!


Marcie said...

Wow, that took quite the planning on your part to get everyone in the right colors for each event.

It looks like so much fun. Tell Brynn that Alice also has down the head stand move. As a matter of fact it is the "trick" she is the most proud of and does it every chance she gets....

Sally said...

You have got to be the coolest Mom I know! Its a lot of work to take five kids to such big events but what awesome memories you are making. I just love how many things you do as a family!