Thursday, September 11, 2008

Random Bits of Life....

Yup, we are still alive here in Kentucky, though you might have thought something had gone amiss since my absence from blogging. Life just keeps moving on whether or not I write about it. And that is fine. Sometimes it's easier to not have to use my brain and think about what happened over the past few days. Sometimes it's nice to just sit back and enjoy it all, the good, the crazy, the bad and the absurd and just be happy it's your life and you get to live it.

Lots of things have been on my mind these past few weeks. Here are a few bits of what I've been thinking about.....

* My girls are straight from heaven. Of course that does not mean that they are mess and chaos free or that they don't hit or bite each other on occasion or tell me to 'Stop it Mom' at least once a day, because that would be a straight lie, but I love their soft nature, their love for simple things and the happiness a 2 1/2 year old can bring every second of every day. They just are full of joy and it in turn makes me joyful watching and playing with them. Yes, I can get quickly overwhelmed by their amazing, truly remarkable abilities to make the largest messes I have ever had to deal with, but as I look closer at the piles, I see little pens and papers tucked into make-up bags. I see baby dolls carefully laid to sleep in the girls' precious blankets. There are piles of books and catalogs the girls browsed through together. I smile as I see the Gameboy and know it's been used as Brynn's 'camera' for the day. I laugh out loud as I spy lip balm, a Polly Pocket, 2 hair clips, a crayon, a CD, a mini-medical text book, a small hymnal and a peanut butter cookie packed inside my nice leather bag Brynn claimed for her own. I love that when we leave a store or park Kaitlyn always says, "FUN!" She loves going out as much as I do. I love that when I ask them who wants some food Kaitlyn yells "MEEEAN" while Brynn shouts, "MINE". Who knew there were so many other fun ways to say 'me'. I love Kaitlyn's hair in pigtails and Brynn's crazy, wispy hair that flows freely like her spirit. I love Kaitlyn's soft and shy "yes" when asked a question. I love their passion for all things Dora. They tote the VHS tapes around the house, they wear Dora underwear over their diapers and Kaitlyn giggles each time I put on her 80's type Dora jellyshoes she spied at Payless and wouldn't leave the store without purchasing. They are my daily buddies, the littles who are never far from my side and often attached to my leg. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

* I love that each of my boys are unique. Sure, at times I wish they could all agree on the same thing to do together when their differences make it near impossible to agree on an activity, but each of them have their own personalities and I like that. I love that Matt is constantly collecting new treasures that would look like trash to most people, but to him a broken luggage lock, half of a pen, an old bottle cap and a bit of wire fence can be transformed into usable, cool things. I love that he keeps plugging away at reading and will snuggle up to me on the couch while we read. I love Josh's maturity. Of course there are times when I clearly see he is seven, but most of the time he acts well above his years. He carefully picks out his clothes for the next day and puts them in a pile so he can quickly get dressed in the morning. He is the first one to hop in the shower, to complete his homework without being asked and will often make breakfast for himself and brothers (Eggos and cereal) while I'm moving the other two forward in getting ready. He's a real big help. I also love to tease and joke with Josh. He eats it up and loves to tease me back with funny ideas. I love Trey's zest for all fun things in life. I can see a lot of myself in him. This is not a great quality when you are trying to get harder things like homework or chores done quickly, but finding pleasure in your day helps get you through the not so fun bits with a smile on your face. I love that when he sets his mind on something, he can get things done on a record pace, much like his mother. I love that Trey loves to read. He devours any book he can find. He has a stack of book on his bed that makes it difficult to make. I bought the new Rick Riordan book The 39 Clues on Tuesday and the first thing he has done when he got home from school the past two days is get the book and the cards out and search for clues online. I only wish such cool things had been available when I was a kid.

* I am loving that Josh and Matt are enjoying fall baseball. I guess I should clarify that and say I am so happy Matt is have a great time. He never has had a passion for sports like his twin brother, but this coach pitch stuff has really made him happy. He is hitting the ball well and it's amazing to see the confidence come. Another dad on the team asked Rich after a game if he had two boys on the team. Rich replied yes and then the man said almost in a critical tone, "They are not twins are they?" In my mind I wanted to make some rude remark, but then he followed it saying that "the bigger one was always taking care of and looking out for the smaller one." While I didn't love the way he described the boys by their physical sizes, I liked that other people had noticed how they watched out for each other. While Josh would get Matt's hat for him, Matt gave Josh his bat when it was time to pick up. I love that my boys are always there helping each other along.

* I also am so excited that Josh and Matt are in the same math class. It seems that the daily summer homework sheets paid off and they now can spend an hour together each day. That makes me happy.

* I love the boys' school. On Wednesday at drop off there were huge flags, two fire trucks on display, firemen waving at the kids, a sound system with booming music and teachers giving the kids high fives and cheers. The CATS testing scores were released from the spring and Veteran's Park Elementary was named as a national Blue Ribbon school. All the teachers and students hard work paid off and they should be praised for their efforts. When Matt came home from school he ran to me and with all the excitement he could muster he exclaimed, "This is such a great day. For the rest of my life, I'll remember that I went to a Blue Ribbon school. And for the rest of your life, you'll remember that your kids went to a Blue Ribbon school." I had to laugh at his intensity. I think it's a great thing, but I also am hoping these great test scores will help us sell our house in a few years! I do truly appreciate all the time and effort the boys' teachers put into teaching each day. Each of the boys' teachers personalities mesh so well with theirs. I love the school's parental involvement. I love the herd of parents and children walking to and from school each day. I love that they have a community service project and theme each month encouraging the kids to give back. I love that my kids are excited about going to school each day and enjoy learning. This is a life long gift that will affect them and generations to come.

* I love that Trey is excited for his birthday. When the first day of September rolled around, he quickly asked me if any birthday presents had arrived in the mail yet. Not quite buddy, but I agree enjoying the anticipation of a big event makes it even that much better when it finally arrives. He also has planned various birthday bashes and tells me about them after he invited a few friends along for the festivities. We have not narrowed down a place for the party yet, but one thing is certain I'll have to host one cool par-tay because Trey isn't going to let me forget.

* Rich took boards on Monday. Woo Hoo! It was a long and intense road of preparation, stress, prayer and in the end Rich felt good about his efforts. Man, I would never want to do what Rich does nor have to learn and memorize all the material he has to know, but I am so grateful for his dedication and hard work to become the best radiologist he can be. Love you Rich! And many, many thanks to family and friends who supported Rich in this through prayers and fasting. I know you made a difference. Thank you!

* I love the change in the seasons. While it is still hot and humid here in Lexington, the light has a different slant and the coolness of the morning make me believe change will soon come. I love the small bits of color I can see in a few trees. We have a beautiful world to enjoy and change always helps remind me of the loveliness that surrounds me.

* I love family. Rich's cousin Chad stayed with us last week from Thursday night until Sunday. He had medical school interviews at the University of Louisville and at the University of Kentucky. My kids look forward to visitors like most people look forward to Christmas. It's a rare thing to have anyone stay with us, so we are thrilled when it happens. Chad was so kind, gracious and very easy to be around. In fact as he spent the day with me and girls he happily listened to my constant chatter with a smile and didn't even flinch upon discovering Brynn's diaper had leaked after he had her in his arms. He simply stated, 'I think Brynn's a little wet' and continued to hold her. What a trooper and he doesn't even have kids of his own yet. Though I think after 4 days with our wild bunch, he quickly told his wife Ashley that he wasn't ready for a baby of his own when he got home. Thanks Chad for a great weekend and for spending most of your birthday with us!

* I am really just so grateful for life. Stephanie "NieNie" Nielson has been on my mind a lot recently. I can't imagine how this kind of an accident could impact you, your children, your family and well, everything. I pray for her. I pray for her husband. I pray for her kids. And as I pray I am aware how blessed I am to be here with my own family. To be the one to pick the boys up from school. To tickle the girls as we make cookies. To help the boys along as they read and do their homework. To mop up the squished strawberries. To fold the tiny pink socks and pick up the soccer cleats. To give Rich a hug and kiss when he walks in from work. To have the gospel in my life and the knowledge of eternal families. Life is precious. Life is fragile. I have to remember this because it makes everything clear. The little things melt away and I see all I have. People who love me- that I matter to. And I love them back with my whole soul. That is happiness. That is blessed. That is peace. That is a bit of heaven on Earth. Enjoy it. Cherish it. It makes all the difference to you, to them, to everyone. Love life.....


Tiffany said...

i love everything you wrote! your words and wonderful outlook always cheer me up! i miss you too! we need to get together SOON!! that's so funny the girls love dora, savannah has become obsessed. they need to play! i'll call you today and lets make plans!

Marcie said...

What a beautiful post Cheryl. I love your outlook on life and how you are always the first to point out the little things that make life worth living.

Sally said...

The details...that why I love to read your posts and really what lifes all about. Love all of the little things that the girls pack in their purses...priceless.