Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

Happy Birthday America!
What a blessing and privilege we have to live in such a country, where freedoms and opportunity are ours for the taking. While no place is perfect, we surely have so much more than most of the world. I am grateful to those men and women, past and present, who have given so much for this country and our people. I am truly proud to be an American!

This time of year helps me to think and reflect on the things I am grateful for. Here are a few things each of us appreciates.....

Kaitlyn: Barbies, her crib and blanket, dogs, our van to go places, strollers, spray bottles, combs and clips

Brynn: Popsicles, her blanket, suckers, Baby Einstein World of Animals, stickers, swimming each morning, sunglasses, clothes and shoes

Matt: For friends, family, my home, school, Toys-R-Us

Josh: Baseball, snow cones, that we don't have a king that bosses us around or makes us slaves.

Trey: Our country, men and women in war, my family, friends, house, food, and my iPod

Cheryl: Right to vote, to voice my opinion, women's rights, women's freedom, to have value as a women, opportunity to go to school, the ability to read, attend and graduate from college, have a job, be a mother, have a large family, drive a car, own a home, to travel, freedom to worship, Mormon pioneers, LDS missionaries and their choice to sacrifice and serve, the natural beauty found in nature, our armed forces, the Olympics and how it brings the world together, modern technology (Internet, phones), good health care (antibiotics, immunizations, doctors and hospitals), the goodness of many people regardless of race or religion, Civil Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

Rich: He's on call- will fill in later

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Amen! What a great way to celebrate the birth of our country. We so often forget all of the wonderful things we enjoy living here.

Having spent much time in other countries, first and third-world, I'm also proud to call America my one and only home.